Walk On (some More)

Take a look around tell me what you can see
I guess that all depends on exactly what you want it to be
Don't know all the answers everybody's running away, hey
If you want to win the game then you know it's a shame not to play
Everybody get carried away
And everybody's got something to say
to remind you
Keep looking behind you
It's never easy to see
What it takes to believe right from wrong
Never going back where I've gone
Walk On
Walk On
Walk On
Walk On
Hey alright, we're not gonna turn back now
Walk On
Walk On
Just Walk On

Mirror lyrics:

Just Walk On
Walk On
Walk On
Hey alright, we're not gonna turn back now
Walk On
Walk On
Walk On
Walk On
Never going back where I've gone
What it takes to believe right from wrong
It's never easy to see
Keep looking behind you
to remind you
And everybody's got something to say
Everybody get carried away
If you want to win the game then you know it's a shame not to play
Don't know all the answers everybody's running away, hey
I guess that all depends on exactly what you want it to be
Take a look around tell me what you can see

Relevant Tags:
WWalk OOn ((some MMore) alk n some ore) aWlk nO s(ome oMre) aalk kn (ssome jore) aWalk kOn (ome jMore) Waalk Okn (osme Mjore)
3alk 9n (zome kore) 3Walk 9On (zsome kMore) W3alk O9n (szome Mkore) dalk 0n (wome nore) dWalk 0On (wsome nMore) Wdalk O0n (swome Mnore)
ealk ln (dome Moore) eWalk lOn (dsome Mre) Wealk Oln (sdome Mroe) salk in (eome Mkre) sWalk iOn (esome Wsalk Oin (seome Mokre)
2alk Onn (xome M9re) 2Walk O (xsome M9ore) W2alk On (sxome Mo9re) qalk Om (aome M0re) qWalk Omn (asome M0ore) Wqalk Onm (saome Mo0re)
Oh (soome Mlre) Wlk Ohn (sme Mlore) Wlak Onh (smoe Molre) Wzlk Oj (skme Mire) Wzalk Ojn (skome Miore) Wazlk Onj (sokme Moire)
Wqlk Ob (s9me Morre) Obn (s9ome Moe) Waqlk Onb (so9me Moer) Wslk (s0me Mode) (s0ome Modre) Waslk (so0me Morde)
Wwlk (slme Mo4e) Wwalk (slome Mo4re) Wawlk (solme Mor4e)

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