She's The Only One

She's The Only One
She's a butterfly
But she flies too high
She won't speak the truth
She don't make excuses
She don't seem to care
But you want her anywhere
'Cause she's the only one

She don't make the scene
But that don't chnge a thing
You just plan and scheme
You insist on dreamin'
She won't play your game
But it's all the same
Now she's the only one

She knows too well that she's the only one
She doesn't care if you're the lonely one
You want to say it's over, but it's just begun
She's the only one

She knows too well that she's the only one
She doesn't care if you're the lonely one
It's not the way you planned it
But she's really got you on the run
Your one and only one

Mirror lyrics:

Your one and only one
But she's really got you on the run
It's not the way you planned it
She doesn't care if you're the lonely one
She knows too well that she's the only one

She's the only one
You want to say it's over, but it's just begun
She doesn't care if you're the lonely one
She knows too well that she's the only one

Now she's the only one
But it's all the same
She won't play your game
You insist on dreamin'
You just plan and scheme
But that don't chnge a thing
She don't make the scene

'Cause she's the only one
But you want her anywhere
She don't seem to care
She don't make excuses
She won't speak the truth
But she flies too high
She's a butterfly
She's The Only One

Relevant Tags:
SShe's TThe OOnly OOne he's he nly ne hSe's hTe nOly nOe zhe's fhe knly kne zShe's fThe kOnly kOne Szhe's Tfhe Oknly Okne
whe's 5he 9nly 9ne wShe's 5The 9Only 9One Swhe's T5he O9nly O9ne dhe's hhe 0nly 0ne dShe's hThe 0Only 0One Sdhe's Thhe O0nly O0ne
ehe's yhe lnly lne eShe's yThe lOnly lOne Sehe's Tyhe Olnly Olne xhe's 6he inly ine xShe's 6The iOnly iOne Sxhe's T6he Oinly Oine
ahe's ghe Onnly Onne aShe's gThe Oly Oe Sahe's Tghe Olny Oen Shhe's rhe Omly Ome Se's rThe Omnly Omne Seh's Trhe Onmly Onme
Sje's Ohly Ohe Sjhe's Te Ohnly Ohne Shje's Teh Onhly Onhe Sue's Tje Ojly Oje Suhe's Tjhe Ojnly Ojne Shue's Thje Onjly Onje
Sne's Tue Obly Obe Snhe's Tuhe Obnly Obne Shne's Thue Onbly Onbe Sbe's Tne Onlly Onee Sbhe's Tnhe Ony On Shbe's Thne Onyl One
Sge's Tbe Onky Ons Sghe's Tbhe Onkly Onse Shge's Thbe Onlky Ones Sye's Tge Onoy On3 Syhe's Onoly On3e Shye's Thge Onloy One3
Shee's Tye Onpy Onf Sh's Onply Onfe Sh'es Thye Onlpy Onef

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