Brave Saint Saturn
Blessed Are The Land Mines

Blessed are the land-mines
Stretched across the desert floor
God, bless the hands that formed them
Filled their shrapnel hearts with war
May You bless the companies
The goose that laid the golden egg
May they make a million more
Blowing off a million legs
Blessed are the black-tongued ravens
Substituting fear for reason
To hate war is to hate us
If you love peace, then you must love treason
Beat your plowshares into swords
Beat your pulpits, turn your tables
Blessed are the hand-grenades
Bless the church who rattles sabers

This house, is burning
This poison still is worming
This temple, will cave in
There's nothing here worth saving

Nail the gold up to the altar
Like Ahab taunts his crew to war
Blessed are the shareholders
Lack of faith is for the poor
Hold your wallets to the sky
A temple built to sooth yourself
Blessed is the church who tries
To help you build blessed wealth

Mirror lyrics:

To help you build blessed wealth
Blessed is the church who tries
A temple built to sooth yourself
Hold your wallets to the sky
Lack of faith is for the poor
Blessed are the shareholders
Like Ahab taunts his crew to war
Nail the gold up to the altar

There's nothing here worth saving
This temple, will cave in
This poison still is worming
This house, is burning

Bless the church who rattles sabers
Blessed are the hand-grenades
Beat your pulpits, turn your tables
Beat your plowshares into swords
If you love peace, then you must love treason
To hate war is to hate us
Substituting fear for reason
Blessed are the black-tongued ravens
Blowing off a million legs
May they make a million more
The goose that laid the golden egg
May You bless the companies
Filled their shrapnel hearts with war
God, bless the hands that formed them
Stretched across the desert floor
Blessed are the land-mines

Relevant Tags:
BBlessed AAre TThe LLand MMines lessed re he and ines lBessed rAe hTe aLnd iMnes vlessed zre fhe kand jines vBlessed zAre fThe kLand jMines
Bvlessed Azre Tfhe Lkand Mjines glessed qre 5he oand kines gBlessed qAre 5The oLand kMines Bglessed Aqre T5he Loand Mkines nlessed sre hhe pand nines
nBlessed sAre hThe pLand nMines Bnlessed Asre Thhe Lpand Mnines hlessed wre yhe Laand Miines hBlessed wAre yThe Lnd Mnes Bhlessed Awre Tyhe Lnad Mnies
Bllessed xre 6he Lznd Mjnes Bessed xAre 6The Lzand Belssed Axre T6he Laznd Mijnes Bkessed Arre ghe Lqnd M9nes Bklessed Ae gThe Lqand M9ines
Blkessed Aer Tghe Laqnd Mi9nes Boessed Ade rhe Lsnd Mlnes Bolessed Adre rThe Lsand Mlines Bloessed Arde Trhe Lasnd Milnes Bpessed A4e Lwnd Mones
Bplessed A4re Te Lwand Moines Blpessed Ar4e Teh Lawnd Miones Bleessed Age Tje Lxnd Mknes Blssed Agre Tjhe Lxand Blsesed Arge Thje Laxnd Miknes
Blsssed Ate Tue Lannd M8nes Blsessed Atre Tuhe Lad M8ines Blesssed Arte Thue Ladn Mi8nes Bl3ssed A5e Tne Lamd Munes Bl3essed A5re Tnhe Lamnd Muines
Ble3ssed Ar5e Thne Lanmd Miunes Blfssed Afe Tbe Lahd Minnes Blfessed Afre Tbhe Lahnd Mies Blefssed Arfe Thbe Lanhd Miens Blrssed Aee Tge Lajd Mimes
Blressed Aere Lajnd Mimnes Blerssed Aree Thge Lanjd Minmes Bl4ssed Tye Labd Mihes Bl4essed Ar Labnd Mihnes Ble4ssed Are Thye Lanbd Minhes
Bldssed Ars Thee Landd Mijes Bldessed Arse Th Lan Bledssed Ares The Land Minjes Blwssed Ar3 Ths Lanx Mibes Blwessed Ar3e Thse Lanxd Mibnes
Blewssed Are3 Thes Landx Minbes Arf Th3 Lane Minees Blesed Th3e Laned Mins Blessed Aref The3 Lande Minse Blezsed Arr Thf Lanf Minss
Blezssed Thfe Lanfd Minses Bleszsed Arer Thef Landf Miness Blewsed Ar4 Thr Lanr Min3s

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