Brave Combo
Shopping At The K Mart

I'm just looking for some britches
I'm just looking for some underwear
Nobody seems to understand
Nobody seems to care

I'm just shopping at the k-mart
Everybody's in the way
I'm just shopping at the k-mart
Everybody seems to say

I'm looking for some magazines
I'm looking for the real scene
Just looking for some underwear
And nobody seems to care

Repeat chorus

We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart

Mirror lyrics:

We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart
We'll be shopping at the k-mart

Repeat chorus

And nobody seems to care
Just looking for some underwear
I'm looking for the real scene
I'm looking for some magazines

Everybody seems to say
I'm just shopping at the k-mart
Everybody's in the way
I'm just shopping at the k-mart

Nobody seems to care
Nobody seems to understand
I'm just looking for some underwear
I'm just looking for some britches

Relevant Tags:
SShopping AAt TThe KK MMart hopping t he art hSopping tA hTe K aMrt zhopping zt fhe l jart zShopping zAt fThe lK jMart Szhopping Azt Tfhe Kl Mjart
whopping qt 5he o kart wShopping qAt 5The oK kMart Swhopping Aqt T5he Ko Mkart dhopping st hhe m nart dShopping sAt hThe mK nMart Sdhopping Ast Thhe Km Mnart
ehopping wt yhe j Maart eShopping wAt yThe jK Mrt Sehopping Awt Tyhe Kj Mrat xhopping xt 6he i Mzrt xShopping xAt 6The iK Mzart Sxhopping Axt T6he Ki Mazrt
ahopping Att ghe Mqrt aShopping A gThe Mqart Sahopping At Tghe Maqrt Shhopping Af rhe Msrt Sopping Aft rThe Msart Sohpping Atf Trhe Masrt
Sjopping A5 Mwrt Sjhopping A5t Te Mwart Shjopping At5 Teh Mawrt Suopping Ah Tje Mxrt Suhopping Aht Tjhe Mxart Shuopping Ath Thje Maxrt
Snopping Ay Tue Marrt Snhopping Ayt Tuhe Mat Shnopping Aty Thue Matr Sbopping A6 Tne Madt Sbhopping A6t Tnhe Madrt Shbopping At6 Thne Mardt
Sgopping Ag Tbe Ma4t Sghopping Agt Tbhe Ma4rt Shgopping Atg Thbe Mar4t Syopping Ar Tge Magt Syhopping Art Magrt Shyopping Atr Thge Margt
Shoopping Tye Matt Shpping Matrt Shpoping Thye Martt Shkpping Thee Ma5t Shkopping Th Ma5rt Shokpping The Mar5t
Sh9pping Ths Maft Sh9opping Thse Mafrt Sho9pping Thes Marft Sh0pping Th3 Maet Sh0opping Th3e Maert Sho0pping The3 Maret
Shlpping Thf Shlopping Thfe Mar Sholpping Thef Mart Shipping Thr Marf Shiopping Thre Shoipping Ther Martf
Shoppping Th4 Mar5 Shoping Th4e Shopping The4 Mart5 Sho0ping Thd Marh Thde Marht

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