Boris Gardiner
I Want To Wake Up With You

I want to wake up with you
I want to be there when you open your eyes
I want you to be
the first thing that I see
I want to wake up with you

I want lay by your side, baby
I want to feel every beat of your heart
and throughout the night
I want to hold you tight
I want to wake up with you

All the love inside me has been sleeping
waiting till the right one came along
you can share the love that I have been keeping, baby
You can put the music to my song

I want to wake up with you
I want to reach out and know that you're there
I want you to be
the first thing that'll see
I want to wake up with you

and throughout the night
I want to hold you tight
I want to wake up with you
All the love inside me has been sleeping
waiting till the right one came along
you can share the love I have been keeping
You can put the music to my song

I want to wake up with you
I want to reach out and know that you're there
I want you to be
the first thing that'll see...

Mirror lyrics:

the first thing that'll see...
I want you to be
I want to reach out and know that you're there
I want to wake up with you

You can put the music to my song
you can share the love I have been keeping
waiting till the right one came along
All the love inside me has been sleeping
I want to wake up with you
I want to hold you tight
and throughout the night

I want to wake up with you
the first thing that'll see
I want you to be
I want to reach out and know that you're there
I want to wake up with you

You can put the music to my song
you can share the love that I have been keeping, baby
waiting till the right one came along
All the love inside me has been sleeping

I want to wake up with you
I want to hold you tight
and throughout the night
I want to feel every beat of your heart
I want lay by your side, baby

I want to wake up with you
the first thing that I see
I want you to be
I want to be there when you open your eyes
I want to wake up with you

Relevant Tags:
II WWant TTo WWake UUp WWith YYou ant o ake p ith ou I aWnt oT aWke pU iWth oYu j aant fo aake hp aith gou jI aWant fTo aWake hUp aWith gYou
Ij Waant Tfo Waake Uhp Waith Ygou 9 3ant 5o 3ake 7p 3ith hou 9I 3Want 5To 3Wake 7Up 3With hYou I9 W3ant T5o W3ake U7p W3ith Yhou l dant ho dake kp dith 6ou
lI dWant hTo dWake kUp dWith 6You Il Wdant Tho Wdake Ukp Wdith Y6ou o eant yo eake ip eith uou oI eWant yTo eWake iUp eWith uYou Io Weant Tyo Weake Uip Weith Yuou
k sant 6o sake 8p sith 7ou kI sWant 6To sWake 8Up sWith 7You Ik Wsant T6o Wsake U8p Wsith Y7ou 8 2ant go 2ake jp 2ith jou 8I 2Want gTo 2Wake jUp 2With jYou
I8 W2ant Tgo W2ake Ujp W2ith Yjou u qant ro qake yp qith tou uI qWant rTo qWake yUp qWith tYou Iu Wqant Tro Wqake Uyp Wqith Ytou Too Upp Wiith Yoou
Wnt T Wke U Wth Yu Wnat To Wkae Up Wtih Yuo Wznt Tk Wzke U0 Wjth Yku Wzant Tko Wzake U0p Wjith Ykou Waznt Tok Wazke Up0 Wijth Yoku
Wqnt T9 Wqke Ul W9th Y9u T9o Ulp W9ith Y9ou Waqnt To9 Waqke Upl Wi9th Yo9u Wsnt T0 Wske Uo Wlth Y0u T0o Uop Wlith Y0ou
Wasnt To0 Waske Upo Wilth Yo0u Wwnt Tl Wwke Woth Ylu Wwant Tlo Wwake Woith Ylou Wawnt Tol Wawke Wioth Yolu Wxnt Ti Wxke Wkth Yiu
Wxant Tio Wxake Wkith Yiou Waxnt Toi Waxke Wikth Yoiu Wannt Wakke W8th Youu Wat Wae W8ith Yo Watn Waek Wi8th You

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