Boom Boom Kid
Paranoia Candy Blues

i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go
i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home

i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets

oh boy, you can try
(oh boy, you can try)
i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go
i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home

i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets

oh boy, you can try
(oh boy, you can try)
oh boy, you can try

i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets

oh boy, you can try
(oh boy, you can try)
oh boy, you can try

Mirror lyrics:

oh boy, you can try
(oh boy, you can try)
oh boy, you can try

you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh

oh boy, you can try
(oh boy, you can try)
oh boy, you can try

you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh

i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home
i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go
i don't know you think about
(oh boy, you can try)
oh boy, you can try

you can try step on the dryleaf in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh
you can try smelling the hot rain in the streets
i don't know, if you're under that feeling, ohh

i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you left home
i don't know you think about
i don't know you think i'm doing everytime you go
i don't know you think about

Relevant Tags:
PParanoia CCandy BBlues aranoia andy lues aPranoia aCndy lBues 0aranoia fandy vlues 0Paranoia fCandy vBlues P0aranoia Cfandy Bvlues
laranoia xandy glues lParanoia xCandy gBlues Plaranoia Cxandy Bglues oaranoia vandy nlues oParanoia vCandy nBlues Poaranoia Cvandy Bnlues
Paaranoia dandy hlues Pranoia dCandy hBlues Praanoia Cdandy Bhlues Pzranoia Caandy Bllues Pzaranoia Cndy Bues Pazranoia Cnady Bules
Pqranoia Czndy Bkues Pqaranoia Czandy Bklues Paqranoia Cazndy Blkues Psranoia Cqndy Boues Psaranoia Cqandy Bolues Pasranoia Caqndy Bloues
Pwranoia Csndy Bpues Pwaranoia Csandy Bplues Pawranoia Casndy Blpues Pxranoia Cwndy Bluues Pxaranoia Cwandy Bles Paxranoia Cawndy Bleus
Parranoia Cxndy Blhes Paanoia Blhues Paarnoia Caxndy Bluhes Padanoia Canndy Bl7es Padranoia Cady Bl7ues Pardanoia Cadny Blu7es
Pa4anoia Camdy Blkes Pa4ranoia Camndy Par4anoia Canmdy Blukes Paganoia Cahdy Blies Pagranoia Cahndy Bliues Parganoia Canhdy Bluies
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Pafanoia Canddy Blyes Pafranoia Cany Blyues Parfanoia Canyd Bluyes Paeanoia Canxy Bluees Paeranoia Canxdy Blus Pareanoia Candxy Bluse
Paraanoia Caney Bluss Parnoia Canedy Bluses Parnaoia Candey Bluess Parznoia Canfy Blu3s Parzanoia Canfdy Blu3es Paraznoia Candfy Blue3s
Parqnoia Canry Blufs Parqanoia Canrdy Blufes Paraqnoia Candry Bluefs Parsnoia Cancy Blurs Parsanoia Cancdy Blures Parasnoia Candcy Bluers
Parwnoia Cansy Blu4s Parwanoia Cansdy Blu4es Parawnoia Candsy Blue4s Parxnoia Candyy Bluds Parxanoia Cand Bludes

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