Book Of Love
I Touch Roses

If you think I'm magical

'Cause roses bloom with my touch

That's mathematical

I think you think too much

I touch roses

If you try to talk with me

If you try to copy my

Pocket full of poses

You still can't touch my roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

If you think I'm magical

'Cause roses bloom with my touch

But magics just not practical

I think you think too much

I touch roses

I touch roses

I can touch roses

Mirror lyrics:

I can touch roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

I think you think too much

But magics just not practical

'Cause roses bloom with my touch

If you think I'm magical

I touch roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

I touch roses

You still can't touch my roses

Pocket full of poses

If you try to copy my

If you try to talk with me

I touch roses

I think you think too much

That's mathematical

'Cause roses bloom with my touch

If you think I'm magical

Relevant Tags:
II TTouch RRoses ouch oses I oTuch oRses j fouch doses jI fTouch dRoses Ij Tfouch Rdoses 9 5ouch 4oses 9I 5Touch 4Roses I9 T5ouch R4oses
l houch goses lI hTouch gRoses Il Thouch Rgoses o youch toses oI yTouch tRoses Io Tyouch Rtoses k 6ouch 5oses kI 6Touch 5Roses Ik T6ouch R5oses
8 gouch foses 8I gTouch fRoses I8 Tgouch Rfoses u rouch eoses uI rTouch eRoses Iu Trouch Reoses Toouch Rooses Tuch Rses Tuoch Rsoes
Tkuch Rkses Tkouch Rkoses Tokuch Rokses T9uch R9ses T9ouch R9oses To9uch Ro9ses T0uch R0ses T0ouch R0oses To0uch Ro0ses
Tluch Rlses Tlouch Rloses Toluch Rolses Tiuch Rises Tiouch Rioses Toiuch Roises Touuch Rosses Toch Roes Tocuh Roess
Tohch Rozes Tohuch Rozses Touhch Roszes To7ch Rowes To7uch Rowses

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