Bonnie Raitt
Your Sweet And Shiny Eyes

Your sweet and shiny eyes
Are like the stars above laredo
Like meat and potatoes
To me

In my sweet dreams we are
In a bar
And it's my birthday
Drinking salty marguaritas with fernando

Young and wild
We drove 900 miles of texas highway
To the mexican border
As the day was comin' on

We crossed the rio grande river
And we swore we'd have things our way
When we happened to walk in to nuevo leon

Your sweet and shiny eyes
Are like the stars above laredo
Like meat and potatoes
To me

In my sweet dreams we are
In a bar
And it's my birthday
And we're having our picture taken
With fernando

Mirror lyrics:

With fernando
And we're having our picture taken
And it's my birthday
In a bar
In my sweet dreams we are

To me
Like meat and potatoes
Are like the stars above laredo
Your sweet and shiny eyes

When we happened to walk in to nuevo leon
And we swore we'd have things our way
We crossed the rio grande river

As the day was comin' on
To the mexican border
We drove 900 miles of texas highway
Young and wild

Drinking salty marguaritas with fernando
And it's my birthday
In a bar
In my sweet dreams we are

To me
Like meat and potatoes
Are like the stars above laredo
Your sweet and shiny eyes

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YYour SSweet AAnd SShiny EEyes our weet nd hiny yes oYur wSeet nAd hSiny yEes gour zweet znd zhiny syes gYour zSweet zAnd zShiny sEyes
Ygour Szweet Aznd Szhiny Esyes hour wweet qnd whiny 3yes hYour wSweet qAnd wShiny 3Eyes Yhour Swweet Aqnd Swhiny E3yes 6our dweet snd dhiny fyes
6Your dSweet sAnd dShiny fEyes Y6our Sdweet Asnd Sdhiny Efyes uour eweet wnd ehiny ryes uYour eSweet wAnd eShiny rEyes Yuour Seweet Awnd Sehiny Eryes
7our xweet xnd xhiny 4yes 7Your xSweet xAnd xShiny 4Eyes Y7our Sxweet Axnd Sxhiny E4yes jour aweet Annd ahiny dyes jYour aSweet Ad aShiny dEyes
Yjour Saweet Adn Sahiny Edyes tour Amd Shhiny wyes tYour Seet Amnd Siny wEyes Ytour Sewet Anmd Sihny Ewyes Yoour Saeet Ahd Sjiny Eyyes
Yur Ahnd Sjhiny Ees Yuor Swaeet Anhd Shjiny Eeys Ykur S3eet Ajd Suiny Eges Ykour S3weet Ajnd Suhiny Egyes Yokur Sw3eet Anjd Shuiny Eyges
Y9ur Sdeet Abd Sniny Ehes Y9our Abnd Snhiny Ehyes Yo9ur Swdeet Anbd Shniny Eyhes Y0ur Seeet Andd Sbiny E6es Y0our An Sbhiny E6yes
Yo0ur Sweeet And Shbiny Ey6es Ylur Sseet Anx Sginy Eues Ylour Ssweet Anxd Sghiny Euyes Yolur Swseet Andx Shginy Eyues Yiur S2eet Ane Syiny E7es
Yiour S2weet Aned Syhiny E7yes Yoiur Sw2eet Ande Shyiny Ey7es Youur Sqeet Anf Shiiny Ejes Yor Sqweet Anfd Shny Ejyes Yoru Swqeet Andf Shniy Eyjes
Yohr Anr Shjny Etes Yohur Swet Anrd Etyes Youhr Sweet Andr Shijny Eytes Yo7r Swset Anc Sh9ny Eyees Yo7ur Ancd Sh9iny Eys

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