Bonnie Tyler
Against The Wind

"Living in a danger zone
A lonely man a lonely child
So many miles away from home
Emotions running wild with me

Come take my heart
Come feel the burns of fire
Come and break my heart
And feel my loving mind

Oh against the wind I'm flying
Against the wind I'm crying
This night was made for a lonely
Don't break my heart tonight, no

Oh you need a helping hand
The times are geting tough
Baby come and try again
There's no living without love, in my heart
It's hard for me, but it's harder to ignore it
Oh my fantasy, come feel my love tonight."

Mirror lyrics:

Oh my fantasy, come feel my love tonight."
It's hard for me, but it's harder to ignore it
There's no living without love, in my heart
Baby come and try again
The times are geting tough
Oh you need a helping hand

Don't break my heart tonight, no
This night was made for a lonely
Against the wind I'm crying
Oh against the wind I'm flying

And feel my loving mind
Come and break my heart
Come feel the burns of fire
Come take my heart

Emotions running wild with me
So many miles away from home
A lonely man a lonely child
"Living in a danger zone

Relevant Tags:
AAgainst TThe WWind gainst he ind gAainst hTe iWnd zgainst fhe aind zAgainst fThe aWind Azgainst Tfhe Waind qgainst 5he 3ind
qAgainst 5The 3Wind Aqgainst T5he W3ind sgainst hhe dind sAgainst hThe dWind Asgainst Thhe Wdind wgainst yhe eind wAgainst yThe eWind
Awgainst Tyhe Weind xgainst 6he sind xAgainst 6The sWind Axgainst T6he Wsind Aggainst ghe 2ind Aainst gThe 2Wind Aaginst Tghe W2ind
Ahainst rhe qind Ahgainst rThe qWind Aghainst Trhe Wqind Ayainst Wiind Aygainst Te Wnd Agyainst Teh Wnid Abainst Tje Wjnd
Abgainst Tjhe Wjind Agbainst Thje Wijnd Avainst Tue W9nd Avgainst Tuhe W9ind Agvainst Thue Wi9nd Afainst Tne Wlnd Afgainst Tnhe Wlind
Agfainst Thne Wilnd Atainst Tbe Wond Atgainst Tbhe Woind Agtainst Thbe Wiond Agaainst Tge Wknd Aginst Wkind Agianst Thge Wiknd
Agzinst Tye W8nd Agzainst W8ind Agazinst Thye Wi8nd Agqinst Thee Wund Agqainst Th Wuind Agaqinst The Wiund Agsinst Ths Winnd
Agsainst Thse Wid Agasinst Thes Widn Agwinst Th3 Wimd Agwainst Th3e Wimnd Agawinst The3 Winmd Agxinst Thf Wihd Agxainst Thfe Wihnd
Agaxinst Thef Winhd Agaiinst Thr Wijd Aganst Thre Aganist Ther Winjd Agajnst Th4 Wibd Agajinst Th4e Wibnd Agaijnst The4 Winbd
Aga9nst Thd Windd Aga9inst Thde Win Agai9nst Thed Wind Agalnst Thw Winx Agalinst Thwe Winxd Agailnst Thew Windx Agaonst Wine

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