Bonnie Raitt
True Love Is Hard To Find

You said that your love was just for me
That's why I've got to be yours
You told me the day will never come
When you would walk out and leave
'Cause you know that.

True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
Hard to find
Very hard to find
I say (true love)
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find.

You told me that you know I would have to travel all over
You would take care of my business for me
Darlin', all I ask of you
Is to leave those business alone and save it just for me

True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
Hard to find
Very hard to find
I say (true love)
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find.

And glory fills my heart with joy from heaven
With love for you
Darlin', I always think of you
Always have my arms filled with love for you
'Cause you know that.

True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
Hard to find
Very hard to find
I say (true love)
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find.

--- Instrumental ---

True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
Hard to find
Very hard to find
I say (true love)
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find.

Just because I know
True love is hard to find
I believe in love
True love is hard to find
Everybody should know that
True love is hard to find
You know that
True love is hard to find
I say (true love)
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find
Hard to find
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
True love is hard to find...

Mirror lyrics:

True love is hard to find...
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
Hard to find
True love is hard to find
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
I say (true love)
True love is hard to find
You know that
True love is hard to find
Everybody should know that
True love is hard to find
I believe in love
True love is hard to find
Just because I know

True love is hard to find.
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
I say (true love)
Very hard to find
Hard to find
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find

--- Instrumental ---

True love is hard to find.
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
I say (true love)
Very hard to find
Hard to find
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find

'Cause you know that.
Always have my arms filled with love for you
Darlin', I always think of you
With love for you
And glory fills my heart with joy from heaven

True love is hard to find.
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
I say (true love)
Very hard to find
Hard to find
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find

Is to leave those business alone and save it just for me
Darlin', all I ask of you
You would take care of my business for me
You told me that you know I would have to travel all over

True love is hard to find.
True love (true love)
True love (true love)
I say (true love)
Very hard to find
Hard to find
True love is hard to find
Everybody knows
True love is hard to find
'Cause you know that
True love is hard to find

'Cause you know that.
When you would walk out and leave
You told me the day will never come
That's why I've got to be yours
You said that your love was just for me

Relevant Tags:
TTrue LLove IIs HHard TTo FFind rue ove s ard o ind rTue oLve sI aHrd oT iFnd frue kove js jard fo cind fTrue kLove jIs jHard fTo cFind
Tfrue Lkove Ijs Hjard Tfo Fcind 5rue oove 9s uard 5o rind 5True oLove 9Is uHard 5To rFind T5rue Loove I9s Huard T5o Frind hrue pove ls nard ho gind
hTrue pLove lIs nHard hTo gFind Thrue Lpove Ils Hnard Tho Fgind yrue os bard yo tind yTrue Lve oIs bHard yTo tFind Tyrue Lvoe Ios Hbard Tyo Ftind
6rue Lkve ks gard 6o vind 6True kIs gHard 6To vFind T6rue Lokve Iks Hgard T6o Fvind grue L9ve 8s yard go dind gTrue L9ove 8Is yHard gTo dFind
Tgrue Lo9ve I8s Hyard Tgo Fdind rrue L0ve us Haard ro Fiind rTrue L0ove uIs Hrd rTo Fnd Trrue Lo0ve Ius Hrad Tro Fnid Llve Iss Hzrd Too Fjnd
Tue Llove I Hzard T Fjind Ture Lolve Is Hazrd To Fijnd Tdue Live Iz Hqrd Tk F9nd Tdrue Liove Izs Hqard Tko F9ind Trdue Loive Isz Haqrd Tok Fi9nd
T4ue Lovve Iw Hsrd T9 Flnd T4rue Loe Iws Hsard T9o Flind Tr4ue Loev Isw Hasrd To9 Filnd Tgue Lobe Id Hwrd T0 Fond Lobve Ids Hward T0o Foind
Trgue Lovbe Isd Hawrd To0 Fiond Ttue Loce Ie Hxrd Tl Fknd Ttrue Locve Ies Hxard Tlo Fkind Trtue Lovce Ise Haxrd Tol Fiknd T5ue Loge Ix Harrd Ti F8nd
Logve Ixs Had Tio F8ind Tr5ue Lovge Isx Hadr Toi Fi8nd Tfue Lofe Ia Hadd Fund Lofve Ias Hadrd Fuind Trfue Lovfe Isa Hardd Fiund
Teue Lovee Ha4d Finnd

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