Bonnie Raitt
My Opening Farewell

Opening Farewell

Baby stands before an open window
Looking so far away
He can almost feel the southern winds blow
Gently touching his restless day

He turns from his window to me
Sad smile his apology,
Sad eyes reaching to the door

Daylight loses to another evening
And still he spares me the word "Goodbye"
Gits alone beside me fighting his feelings
Struggles to speak, but in the end can only cry

Suddenly, it's so hard to find
The sound of the words to speak his troubled mind
So I'm offering these to him as if to be kind
There's a train every day
Leaving either way
There's a world you know
There's a way to go
You'll soon be gone, it's just as well
This is my opening farewell

A child's drawing is left there on the table
And a woman's silk is lying on the floor
I would keep them here if I were able
To lock you safe behind this open door

Suddenly its so clear to me
That I've asked you to see what you may never see
Now my kind words find their way back to me

There's a train every day
Leaving either way
There's a world you know
I've got a way to go
I'll soon be gone, it's just as well
This is my opening farewell
This is my opening farewell

Mirror lyrics:

This is my opening farewell
This is my opening farewell
I'll soon be gone, it's just as well
I've got a way to go
There's a world you know
Leaving either way
There's a train every day

Now my kind words find their way back to me
That I've asked you to see what you may never see
Suddenly its so clear to me

To lock you safe behind this open door
I would keep them here if I were able
And a woman's silk is lying on the floor
A child's drawing is left there on the table

This is my opening farewell
You'll soon be gone, it's just as well
There's a way to go
There's a world you know
Leaving either way
There's a train every day
So I'm offering these to him as if to be kind
The sound of the words to speak his troubled mind
Suddenly, it's so hard to find

Struggles to speak, but in the end can only cry
Gits alone beside me fighting his feelings
And still he spares me the word "Goodbye"
Daylight loses to another evening

Sad eyes reaching to the door
Sad smile his apology,
He turns from his window to me

Gently touching his restless day
He can almost feel the southern winds blow
Looking so far away
Baby stands before an open window

Opening Farewell

Relevant Tags:
MMy OOpening FFarewell y pening arewell yM pOening aFrewell jy kpening carewell jMy kOpening cFarewell Mjy Okpening Fcarewell
ky 9pening rarewell kMy 9Opening rFarewell Mky O9pening Frarewell ny 0pening garewell nMy 0Opening gFarewell Mny O0pening Fgarewell
Myy lpening tarewell M lOpening tFarewell My Olpening Ftarewell Mg ipening varewell Mgy iOpening vFarewell Myg Oipening Fvarewell
Mh Oppening darewell Mhy Oening dFarewell Myh Oepning Fdarewell M6 O0ening Faarewell M6y Frewell My6 Op0ening Fraewell
Mu Olening Fzrewell Muy Fzarewell Myu Oplening Fazrewell M7 Ooening Fqrewell M7y Oopening Fqarewell My7 Opoening Faqrewell
Mj Opeening Fsrewell Opning Fsarewell Myj Opneing Fasrewell Mt Opsning Fwrewell Mty Opsening Fwarewell Myt Opesning Fawrewell
Op3ning Fxrewell Op3ening Fxarewell Ope3ning Faxrewell Opfning Farrewell Opfening Faewell Opefning Faerwell
Oprning Fadewell Oprening Fadrewell Operning Fardewell Op4ning Fa4ewell Op4ening Fa4rewell Ope4ning Far4ewell
Opdning Fagewell Opdening Fagrewell Opedning Fargewell Opwning Fatewell Opwening Fatrewell Opewning Fartewell
Openning Fa5ewell Opeing Fa5rewell Opeinng Far5ewell Opeming Fafewell Opemning Fafrewell Openming Farfewell
Opehing Faeewell Opehning Faerewell Openhing Fareewell Opejing Opejning Farwell Openjing Farweell
Opebing Farswell Opebning Farsewell Openbing Fareswell

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