Bonnie Raitt
No Business

Yes, I'm lonely-hope you don't catch it
Don't want to be down where I last behaved
I broke his heart now I can't patch it
This time it's grave.

I kept track of all the love that I gave him
And on paper, well, it looked pretty good
He left a note that said he couldn't stay here
As if I could...

I guess my love's got no business, no business calling
his name
I guess my love's got no business, no business to blame.

One of these days I thought we'd get it together
After all that boy was made for me
But all he left me was a mouth full of feathers
Little bird got free.

He always said my love was one sided
I tried to keep up with supply and demand
But there was one way that pie was divided
It was a big piece plan.

I guess my love's got no business, no business calling
his name
I guess my love's got no business, nobody to blame.

Well, now I'm getting desperate, baby getting illegal
I got the law doggies on my trail
The hawk's out and I could use and eagle
To go my bail.

You say you're itching baby, so go ahead and scratch it
But if its jumps off, don't look at me
You swore to God that I couldn't catch it
But your dog's got fleas.

I guess my love's got no business, no business calling
his name
I guess my love's got no business, nobody to blame.

Mirror lyrics:

I guess my love's got no business, nobody to blame.
his name
I guess my love's got no business, no business calling

But your dog's got fleas.
You swore to God that I couldn't catch it
But if its jumps off, don't look at me
You say you're itching baby, so go ahead and scratch it

To go my bail.
The hawk's out and I could use and eagle
I got the law doggies on my trail
Well, now I'm getting desperate, baby getting illegal

I guess my love's got no business, nobody to blame.
his name
I guess my love's got no business, no business calling

It was a big piece plan.
But there was one way that pie was divided
I tried to keep up with supply and demand
He always said my love was one sided

Little bird got free.
But all he left me was a mouth full of feathers
After all that boy was made for me
One of these days I thought we'd get it together

I guess my love's got no business, no business to blame.
his name
I guess my love's got no business, no business calling

As if I could...
He left a note that said he couldn't stay here
And on paper, well, it looked pretty good
I kept track of all the love that I gave him

This time it's grave.
I broke his heart now I can't patch it
Don't want to be down where I last behaved
Yes, I'm lonely-hope you don't catch it

Relevant Tags:
NNo BBusiness o usiness oN uBsiness mo vusiness mNo vBusiness Nmo Bvusiness ho gusiness hNo gBusiness Nho Bgusiness jo nusiness
jNo nBusiness Njo Bnusiness bo husiness bNo hBusiness Nbo Bhusiness Noo Buusiness N Bsiness No Bsuiness Nk Bhsiness Nko
Nok Buhsiness N9 B7siness N9o B7usiness No9 Bu7siness N0 Bksiness N0o Bkusiness No0 Buksiness Nl Bisiness Nlo Biusiness Nol Buisiness
Ni B8siness Nio B8usiness Noi Bu8siness Bjsiness Bjusiness Bujsiness Bysiness Byusiness Buysiness Bussiness
Buiness Buisness Buziness Buzsiness Busziness Buwiness Buwsiness Buswiness Budiness Budsiness
Busdiness Bueiness Buesiness Buseiness Buxiness Buxsiness Busxiness Buainess Buasiness Busainess
Busiiness Busness Busniess Busjness Busjiness Busijness Bus9ness Bus9iness Busi9ness Buslness
Busliness Busilness Busoness Busoiness Busioness

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