Bonnie Raitt
Cool, Clear Water

I want to feel my earth turn over,baby
In this hardened winter ground
Feel my earth turn over, darlin'
Till' I'm rootless and unbound
I want to feel my body tremble
When there's no one else around
Just this cool, clear water runnin'
In this love that I've found

Hey baby
See how it can be
Every time you reveal yourself tome
I'll come runnin'

I want to feel myself go under,baby
Where the deepest river bleeds
I want to feel it pull me under,darlin'
Until it drops me to my knees
I want to know that I can findyou
When there's no more eyes tosee
In this cool, clear water runnin'
You'll come runnin' to me

hey baby
All my life I have known there'ssomething more
A love to blind me like the sun
Deep in dreams, I will wash upon your shore
Now I know that you're the one

When I feelmy babycallin'
It's like awhisper inAnd whenthe softestrain is fallin', darlin'
I will crumble in your hand
And when all that's left is wonder
And no need to understand
Well this cool, clear waterrunnin'
Will be all that I am...

Mirror lyrics:

Will be all that I am...
Well this cool, clear waterrunnin'
And no need to understand
And when all that's left is wonder
I will crumble in your hand
It's like awhisper inAnd whenthe softestrain is fallin', darlin'
When I feelmy babycallin'

Now I know that you're the one
Deep in dreams, I will wash upon your shore
A love to blind me like the sun
All my life I have known there'ssomething more
hey baby

You'll come runnin' to me
In this cool, clear water runnin'
When there's no more eyes tosee
I want to know that I can findyou
Until it drops me to my knees
I want to feel it pull me under,darlin'
Where the deepest river bleeds
I want to feel myself go under,baby

I'll come runnin'
Every time you reveal yourself tome
See how it can be
Hey baby

In this love that I've found
Just this cool, clear water runnin'
When there's no one else around
I want to feel my body tremble
Till' I'm rootless and unbound
Feel my earth turn over, darlin'
In this hardened winter ground
I want to feel my earth turn over,baby

Relevant Tags:
CCool, CClear WWater ool, lear ater oCol, lCear aWter fool, flear aater fCool, fClear aWater Cfool, Cflear Waater
xool, xlear 3ater xCool, xClear 3Water Cxool, Cxlear W3ater vool, vlear dater vCool, vClear dWater Cvool, Cvlear Wdater
dool, dlear eater dCool, dClear eWater Cdool, Cdlear Weater Coool, Cllear sater Col, Cear sWater Cool, Celar Wsater
Ckol, Ckear 2ater Ckool, Cklear 2Water Cokol, Clkear W2ater C9ol, Coear qater C9ool, Colear qWater Co9ol, Cloear Wqater
C0ol, Cpear C0ool, Cplear Wter Co0ol, Clpear Wtaer Clol, Cleear Wzter Clool, Clar Wzater Colol, Claer Wazter
Ciol, Clsar Wqter Ciool, Clsear Coiol, Clesar Waqter Cl3ar Wster Cl3ear Colo, Cle3ar Waster
Cokl, Clfar Wwter Clfear Wwater Cookl, Clefar Wawter Co9l, Clrar Wxter Clrear Wxater Coo9l, Clerar Waxter
Co0l, Cl4ar Watter Cl4ear Waer Coo0l, Cle4ar Waetr Coll, Cldar Wafer Cldear Wafter Cooll, Cledar Watfer
Coil, Clwar Wa5er Clwear Wa5ter Cooil, Clewar Wat5er Cleaar Waher

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