Bolt Thrower
The Ivth Crusade

Mortified by the lack of conscience
Our sanctity bears no relevance
Insignificance is our existence
Hear the litany of life's persistence
Our pleas for mercy fall upon unhearing ears
Take my life, my soul wipe away these bitter tears
Vanquished in the name of your god
One of the same to whom we all pray
Vanquished in the name of your god
One of the same to whom we once prayed
Try to close my mind - From the screams I hear
Repentance is denied the conformation of my fear

Mirror lyrics:

Repentance is denied the conformation of my fear
Try to close my mind - From the screams I hear
One of the same to whom we once prayed
Vanquished in the name of your god
One of the same to whom we all pray
Vanquished in the name of your god
Take my life, my soul wipe away these bitter tears
Our pleas for mercy fall upon unhearing ears
Hear the litany of life's persistence
Insignificance is our existence
Our sanctity bears no relevance
Mortified by the lack of conscience

Relevant Tags:
TThe IIvth CCrusade he vth rusade hTe vIth rCusade fhe jvth frusade fThe jIvth fCrusade Tfhe Ijvth Cfrusade 5he 9vth xrusade
5The 9Ivth xCrusade T5he I9vth Cxrusade hhe lvth vrusade hThe lIvth vCrusade Thhe Ilvth Cvrusade yhe ovth drusade yThe oIvth dCrusade
Tyhe Iovth Cdrusade 6he kvth Crrusade 6The kIvth Cusade T6he Ikvth Cursade ghe 8vth Cdusade gThe 8Ivth Tghe I8vth Crdusade
rhe uvth C4usade rThe uIvth C4rusade Trhe Iuvth Cr4usade Ivvth Cgusade Te Ith Cgrusade Teh Itvh Crgusade Tje Ibth Ctusade
Tjhe Ibvth Ctrusade Thje Ivbth Crtusade Tue Icth C5usade Tuhe Icvth C5rusade Thue Ivcth Cr5usade Tne Igth Cfusade Tnhe Igvth
Thne Ivgth Crfusade Tbe Ifth Ceusade Tbhe Ifvth Cerusade Thbe Ivfth Creusade Tge Ivtth Cruusade Ivh Crsade Thge Ivht Crsuade
Tye Ivfh Crhsade Crhusade Thye Ivtfh Cruhsade Thee Iv5h Cr7sade Th Iv5th Cr7usade The Ivt5h Cru7sade Ths Ivhh Crksade
Thse Ivhth Crkusade Thes Ivthh Cruksade Th3 Ivyh Crisade Th3e Ivyth Criusade The3 Ivtyh Cruisade Thf Iv6h Cr8sade Thfe Iv6th Cr8usade
Thef Ivt6h Cru8sade Thr Ivgh Crjsade Thre Crjusade Ther Ivtgh Crujsade Th4 Ivrh Crysade Th4e Ivrth Cryusade The4 Ivtrh Cruysade
Thd Crussade Thde Ivt Cruade Thed Ivth Cruasde Thw Ivtj Cruzade

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