Boehse Onkelz
Fã¼r Immer

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be posted on the internet. We respect this decision
and have removed the lyrics from our archive.

Please refer to the Google searchengine to find
the lyrics to this song.

Mirror lyrics:

the lyrics to this song.
Please refer to the Google searchengine to find

and have removed the lyrics from our archive.
be posted on the internet. We respect this decision
This artist does not want the lyrics to this song

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FFã¼r IImmer ã¼r mmer ãF¼r mImer cã¼r jmmer cFã¼r jImmer Fcã¼r Ijmmer rã¼r 9mmer rFã¼r 9Immer Frã¼r I9mmer gã¼r lmmer gFã¼r lImmer
Fgã¼r Ilmmer tã¼r ommer tFã¼r oImmer Ftã¼r Iommer vã¼r kmmer vFã¼r kImmer Fvã¼r Ikmmer dã¼r 8mmer dFã¼r 8Immer Fdã¼r I8mmer Fãã¼r ummer
F¼r uImmer F¼ãr Iummer Fã¼¼r Immmer Fãr Imer Fãr¼ Immer Fã¼rr Ijmer Fã¼ Fã¼r Imjmer Fã¼d Ikmer Fã¼dr Fã¼rd Imkmer
Fã¼4 Inmer Fã¼4r Inmmer Fã¼r4 Imnmer Fã¼g Fã¼gr Fã¼rg Imemr Fã¼t Imjer Fã¼tr Fã¼rt Immjer

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