Boehse Onkelz
Das Ist Mein Leben

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be posted on the internet. We respect this decision
and have removed the lyrics from our archive.

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the lyrics to this song.

Mirror lyrics:

the lyrics to this song.
Please refer to the Google searchengine to find

and have removed the lyrics from our archive.
be posted on the internet. We respect this decision
This artist does not want the lyrics to this song

Relevant Tags:
DDas IIst MMein LLeben as st ein eben aDs sIt eMin eLben xas jst jein keben xDas jIst jMein kLeben Dxas Ijst Mjein Lkeben
eas 9st kein oeben eDas 9Ist kMein oLeben Deas I9st Mkein Loeben fas lst nein peben fDas lIst nMein pLeben Dfas Ilst Mnein Lpeben
ras ost Meein Leeben rDas oIst Min Lben Dras Iost Mien Lbeen cas kst Msin Lsben cDas kIst Msein Lseben Dcas Ikst Mesin Lesben
sas 8st M3in L3ben sDas 8Ist M3ein L3eben Dsas I8st Me3in Le3ben Daas ust Mfin Lfben Ds uIst Mfein Lfeben Dsa Iust Mefin Lefben
Dzs Isst Mrin Lrben Dzas It Mrein Lreben Dazs Its Merin Lerben Dqs Izt M4in L4ben Dqas Izst M4ein L4eben Daqs Iszt Me4in Le4ben
Dss Iwt Mdin Ldben Iwst Mdein Ldeben Dass Iswt Medin Ledben Dws Idt Mwin Lwben Dwas Idst Mwein Lweben Daws Isdt Mewin Lewben
Dxs Iet Meiin Lebben Iest Men Leen Daxs Iset Meni Leebn Ixt Mejn Leven Da Ixst Mejin Levben Das Isxt Meijn Lebven
Daz Iat Me9n Legen Iast Me9in Legben Dasz Isat Mei9n Lebgen

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