Cece Winans
Anybody Wanna Pray

Look at the world and all the trouble it's in
We've traded righteousness for pleasures of sin
And now that things have gotten way out of hand
You're wondering how and you're wondering when
Hate is filtered right into your home
Takin' the love that the family once owned
Mothers against the daughters, dads against sons
The way that it looks, seems like evil has won

Anybody wanna pray with me, anybody wanna pray with me
Anybody wanna, anybody wanna pray with me
(and chase all these troubles away)
Anybody wanna pray with me, anybody wanna pray with me
Anybody wanna, anybody wanna pray with me
(and chase all these dark clouds away)

I understand just why you'd throw in the towel
Where there's no hope life is not worth the while
Why would you chose to live without me
What else do you want when I am all that you need
Searching high and searching low everyday
To find the peace of mind and someone to care
When all you have to do is fall on your knees
Take a look at yourself, I'm all that you need


And now it's time to shout
Shout the victory (We Win!)
If you haven't read the book, come and go with me
(there comes a time)
There comes a time when all jokes aside (stop playin)
You make up your mind, you make up your mind
On bended knees these petitions get heard
From the throne room to packed arenas you've heard
Known for that, must commence to
Rock it fat, crowd react
Believe I'll pray for that
Yo' I keep my stance on the rock like this
So if two, three or mo decide to lock wrist
You better come strong, faith long in this
Cause wi' grits and Cece you know God in the midst

(Repeat Chorus)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat Chorus)

Cause wi' grits and Cece you know God in the midst
You better come strong, faith long in this
So if two, three or mo decide to lock wrist
Yo' I keep my stance on the rock like this
Believe I'll pray for that
Rock it fat, crowd react
Known for that, must commence to
From the throne room to packed arenas you've heard
On bended knees these petitions get heard
You make up your mind, you make up your mind
There comes a time when all jokes aside (stop playin)
(there comes a time)
If you haven't read the book, come and go with me
Shout the victory (We Win!)
And now it's time to shout


Take a look at yourself, I'm all that you need
When all you have to do is fall on your knees
To find the peace of mind and someone to care
Searching high and searching low everyday
What else do you want when I am all that you need
Why would you chose to live without me
Where there's no hope life is not worth the while
I understand just why you'd throw in the towel

(and chase all these dark clouds away)
Anybody wanna, anybody wanna pray with me
Anybody wanna pray with me, anybody wanna pray with me
(and chase all these troubles away)
Anybody wanna, anybody wanna pray with me
Anybody wanna pray with me, anybody wanna pray with me

The way that it looks, seems like evil has won
Mothers against the daughters, dads against sons
Takin' the love that the family once owned
Hate is filtered right into your home
You're wondering how and you're wondering when
And now that things have gotten way out of hand
We've traded righteousness for pleasures of sin
Look at the world and all the trouble it's in

Relevant Tags:
AAnybody WWanna PPray nybody anna ray nAybody aWnna rPay znybody aanna 0ray zAnybody aWanna 0Pray Aznybody Waanna P0ray
qnybody 3anna lray qAnybody 3Wanna lPray Aqnybody W3anna Plray snybody danna oray sAnybody dWanna oPray Asnybody Wdanna Poray
wnybody eanna Prray wAnybody eWanna Pay Awnybody Weanna Pary xnybody sanna Pday xAnybody sWanna Pdray Axnybody Wsanna Prday
Annybody 2anna P4ay Aybody 2Wanna P4ray Aynbody W2anna Pr4ay Amybody qanna Pgay Amnybody qWanna Pgray Anmybody Wqanna Prgay
Ahybody Ptay Ahnybody Wnna Ptray Anhybody Wnana Prtay Ajybody Wznna P5ay Ajnybody Wzanna P5ray Anjybody Waznna Pr5ay
Abybody Wqnna Pfay Abnybody Pfray Anbybody Waqnna Prfay Anyybody Wsnna Peay Anbody Peray Anbyody Wasnna Preay
Angbody Wwnna Praay Angybody Wwanna Pry Anygbody Wawnna Prya Anhbody Wxnna Przy Wxanna Przay Anyhbody Waxnna Prazy
An6body Wannna Prqy An6ybody Wana Prqay Any6body Wanna Praqy Anubody Wamna Prsy Anuybody Wamnna Prsay Anyubody Wanmna Prasy
An7body Wahna Prwy An7ybody Wahnna Prway Any7body Wanhna Prawy Anjbody Wajna Prxy Wajnna Prxay Anyjbody Wanjna Praxy
Antbody Wabna Prayy Antybody Wabnna Pra Anytbody Wanbna Pray Anybbody Prag Anyody Pragy Anyobdy Wanan Prayg
Anyvody Wanma Prah Anyvbody Prahy Anybvody Wannma Prayh Anygody Wanha Pra6 Pra6y Anybgody Wannha Pray6

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