Cave In
Tides Of Tomorrow

Sleepy Sunday morning, afternoons in the sun
Monday is waiting, waiting it's turn
Daylight has wilted, and even though our sky has cleared
Time won't hesitate to burn away

Sleepy Sunday morning on a island far away
Nights spending gazing up at the stars
Tides of tomorrow, will they bring or wash away
Our loved-filled dreams of paradise?

All the world around us is ocean blue
All the world around us
So tell me, dear, oh is it true
The more that you know, the less you believe in?
Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and they flow!

What a summer day, full of summer ways
It rains so warm in here, I can't believe
Counting constellations in the tropical skies
Chimes likes thousands of wet, teary eyes

Summer comes and goes, and who could ever know
If this, indeed, is our last one together!
Tides of tomorrow, will they bring or wash away
Our love-filled dreams of paradise?

All the world around us is ocean blue
All the world around us
So tell me, dear, oh is it true
The less that you know, the more you believe in?
Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and they flow!

Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow

Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow
Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!

Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow
Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!

Mirror lyrics:

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!
Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and how they flow!
Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow

Tides of tomorrow, tides of tomorrow

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and they flow!
The less that you know, the more you believe in?
So tell me, dear, oh is it true
All the world around us
All the world around us is ocean blue

Our love-filled dreams of paradise?
Tides of tomorrow, will they bring or wash away
If this, indeed, is our last one together!
Summer comes and goes, and who could ever know

Chimes likes thousands of wet, teary eyes
Counting constellations in the tropical skies
It rains so warm in here, I can't believe
What a summer day, full of summer ways

Tides of tomorrow, how they ebb and they flow!
The more that you know, the less you believe in?
So tell me, dear, oh is it true
All the world around us
All the world around us is ocean blue

Our loved-filled dreams of paradise?
Tides of tomorrow, will they bring or wash away
Nights spending gazing up at the stars
Sleepy Sunday morning on a island far away

Time won't hesitate to burn away
Daylight has wilted, and even though our sky has cleared
Monday is waiting, waiting it's turn
Sleepy Sunday morning, afternoons in the sun

Relevant Tags:
TTides OOf TTomorrow ides f omorrow iTdes fO oTmorrow fides kf fomorrow fTides kOf fTomorrow Tfides Okf Tfomorrow
5ides 9f 5omorrow 5Tides 9Of 5Tomorrow T5ides O9f T5omorrow hides 0f homorrow hTides 0Of hTomorrow Thides O0f Thomorrow
yides lf yomorrow yTides lOf yTomorrow Tyides Olf Tyomorrow 6ides if 6omorrow 6Tides iOf 6Tomorrow T6ides Oif T6omorrow
gides Off gomorrow gTides O gTomorrow Tgides Of Tgomorrow rides Oc romorrow rTides Ocf rTomorrow Trides Ofc Tromorrow
Tiides Or Toomorrow Tdes Orf Tmorrow Tdies Ofr Tmoorrow Tjdes Og Tkmorrow Tjides Ogf Tkomorrow Tijdes Ofg Tokmorrow
T9des Ot T9morrow T9ides Otf T9omorrow Ti9des Oft To9morrow Tldes Ov T0morrow Tlides Ovf T0omorrow Tildes Ofv To0morrow
Todes Od Tlmorrow Toides Odf Tlomorrow Tiodes Ofd Tolmorrow Tkdes Timorrow Tkides Tiomorrow Tikdes Toimorrow
T8des Tommorrow T8ides Toorrow Ti8des Toomrrow Tudes Tojorrow Tuides Tojmorrow Tiudes Tomjorrow
Tiddes Tokorrow Ties Tieds Tomkorrow Tixes Tonorrow Tixdes Tonmorrow Tidxes Tomnorrow
Tiees Tomoorrow Tiedes Tomrrow Tidees Tomrorow Tifes Tomkrrow Tifdes Tidfes Tomokrrow
Tires Tom9rrow Tirdes Tom9orrow Tidres Tomo9rrow Tices Tom0rrow Ticdes Tom0orrow Tidces Tomo0rrow
Tises Tomlrrow Tisdes Tomlorrow Tidses Tomolrrow Tomirrow Tids Tomiorrow Tidse Tomoirrow
Tidss Tomorrrow Tomorow Tidess Tomorrow

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