The Day That Came And Went

I don't remember much about you
I was barely seven when Mom came home without you
But I knew right then
Life was changing fast
I don't know why I remember these things
Your pipe tobacco and the pinch of a bee sting
Entwined together in a memory long passed

As the years go by I remember the moments
The sound of your voice
Your particular sent
Sometimes I eulogize
I mythologize
Secnes cut from a day that came and went

Whenever dusk falls in April or May
I feel like I'm back in the yard where I played
And it feels like the day I knew you'd gone away
They never let me say goodbye to you
They thought I was too young and wouldn't know what to do
But I'm telling you right now
That was their mistake
Why did you leave me
Why did you go right then
Did you know somehow that I'd never be what I am
If you were here to guide my hand
To this day

Mirror lyrics:

To this day
If you were here to guide my hand
Did you know somehow that I'd never be what I am
Why did you go right then
Why did you leave me
That was their mistake
But I'm telling you right now
They thought I was too young and wouldn't know what to do
They never let me say goodbye to you
And it feels like the day I knew you'd gone away
I feel like I'm back in the yard where I played
Whenever dusk falls in April or May

Secnes cut from a day that came and went
I mythologize
Sometimes I eulogize
Your particular sent
The sound of your voice
As the years go by I remember the moments

Entwined together in a memory long passed
Your pipe tobacco and the pinch of a bee sting
I don't know why I remember these things
Life was changing fast
But I knew right then
I was barely seven when Mom came home without you
I don't remember much about you

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDay TThat CCame AAnd WWent he ay hat ame nd ent hTe aDy hTat aCme nAd eWnt fhe xay fhat fame znd aent fThe xDay fThat fCame zAnd aWent
Tfhe Dxay Tfhat Cfame Aznd Waent 5he eay 5hat xame qnd 3ent 5The eDay 5That xCame qAnd 3Went T5he Deay T5hat Cxame Aqnd W3ent hhe fay hhat vame snd dent
hThe fDay hThat vCame sAnd dWent Thhe Dfay Thhat Cvame Asnd Wdent yhe ray yhat dame wnd eent yThe rDay yThat dCame wAnd eWent Tyhe Dray Tyhat Cdame Awnd Weent
6he cay 6hat Caame xnd sent 6The cDay 6That Cme xAnd sWent T6he Dcay T6hat Cmae Axnd Wsent ghe say ghat Czme Annd 2ent gThe sDay gThat Czame Ad 2Went
Tghe Dsay Tghat Cazme Adn W2ent rhe Daay rhat Cqme Amd qent rThe Dy rThat Cqame Amnd qWent Trhe Dya Trhat Caqme Anmd Wqent Dzy Csme Ahd
Te Dzay Tat Csame Ahnd Wnt Teh Dazy Taht Casme Anhd Wnet Tje Dqy Tjat Cwme Ajd Wsnt Tjhe Dqay Tjhat Cwame Ajnd Thje Daqy Thjat Cawme Anjd Wesnt
Tue Dsy Tuat Cxme Abd W3nt Tuhe Tuhat Abnd Thue Dasy Thuat Caxme Anbd We3nt Tne Dwy Tnat Camme Andd Wfnt Tnhe Dway Tnhat Cae An Wfent
Thne Dawy Thnat Caem And Wefnt Tbe Dxy Tbat Caje Anx Wrnt Tbhe Tbhat Cajme Anxd Wrent Thbe Daxy Thbat Camje Andx Wernt Tge Dayy Tgat Cake Ane W4nt
Da Cakme Aned W4ent Thge Day Thgat Camke Ande We4nt

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