Cece Winans
It's Gonna Get Better

It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better. . .better

You're feeling all alone
Your pain is very real
It seems to be no way out
Just look above and deep inside
You can survive

It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better
Just stick around
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy will come
There's hope so will you stay
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
Please don't throw your life away

You've worth much more than gold
Even though you weren't told
Each day is a gift so live
And watch your miracles unfold
You can survive

Things will really soon get much brighter
The sun is going to shine again
Hang in there and you'll be much stronger
You will survive

It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better
Just stick around
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy will come
There's hope so will you stay
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
Please don't throw your life away

Love has brought you this far
And it will lead you to that light

It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better
Just stick around
Weeping may endure for a night
But joy will come
There's hope so will you stay
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
Please don't throw your life away

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't throw your life away
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
There's hope so will you stay
But joy will come
Weeping may endure for a night
Just stick around
It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better

And it will lead you to that light
Love has brought you this far

Please don't throw your life away
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
There's hope so will you stay
But joy will come
Weeping may endure for a night
Just stick around
It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better

You will survive
Hang in there and you'll be much stronger
The sun is going to shine again
Things will really soon get much brighter

You can survive
And watch your miracles unfold
Each day is a gift so live
Even though you weren't told
You've worth much more than gold

Please don't throw your life away
It's gonna get better
It's gonna get better
There's hope so will you stay
But joy will come
Weeping may endure for a night
Just stick around
It's gonna get better
Don't give up now please
It's gonna get better

You can survive
Just look above and deep inside
It seems to be no way out
Your pain is very real
You're feeling all alone

It's gonna get better. . .better
It's gonna get better

Relevant Tags:
IIt's GGonna GGet BBetter t's onna et etter tI's oGnna eGt eBtter jt's honna het vetter jIt's hGonna hGet vBetter Ijt's Ghonna Ghet Bvetter
9t's yonna yet getter 9It's yGonna yGet gBetter I9t's Gyonna Gyet Bgetter lt's bonna bet netter lIt's bGonna bGet nBetter Ilt's Gbonna Gbet Bnetter
ot's vonna vet hetter oIt's vGonna vGet hBetter Iot's Gvonna Gvet Bhetter kt's fonna fet Beetter kIt's fGonna fGet Btter Ikt's Gfonna Gfet Bteter
8t's tonna tet Bstter 8It's tGonna tGet Bsetter I8t's Gtonna Gtet Bestter ut's Goonna Geet B3tter uIt's Gnna Gt B3etter Iut's Gnona Gte Be3tter
Itt's Gknna Gst Bftter I's Gkonna Gset Bfetter I'ts Goknna Gest Beftter If's G9nna G3t Brtter Ift's G9onna G3et Bretter Itf's Go9nna Ge3t Bertter
I5's G0nna Gft B4tter I5t's G0onna B4etter It5's Go0nna Geft Be4tter Ih's Glnna Grt Bdtter Iht's Glonna Gret Bdetter Ith's Golnna Gert Bedtter
Iy's Ginna G4t Bwtter Iyt's Gionna G4et Bwetter Ity's Goinna Ge4t Bewtter I6's Gonnna Gdt Bettter I6t's Gona Gdet Beter It6's Gonna Gedt Better
Ig's Gomna Gwt Befter Igt's Gomnna Gwet Itg's Gonmna Gewt Betfter Ir's Gohna Gett Be5ter Irt's Gohnna Ge Be5tter Itr's Gonhna Get Bet5ter
It''s Gojna Gef Behter Its Gojnna Behtter Its' Gonjna Getf Bethter It'ss Gobna Ge5 Beyter It' Gobnna Ge5t Beytter It's Gonbna Get5 Betyter
It'z Geh Be6ter It'zs Geht Be6tter It'sz Gonan Geth Bet6ter It'w Gonma Gey Begter

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