True Devotion

I was lucky for a long, long time
I never felt much pain
A mess of clouds came over me
The night it finally rained
In my hand there's a silver heart
It says you belong to me
But it's empty and used up
I'm sailing off to sea

Going down, going down
Swallow an ocean
Going down, going down
With true devotion

When the rain started coming down
It was so hard to see
Swear I lost you in the crowd
When you were right there with me
People scattering everywhere
Trying to make it back home
And I slipped and fell on my ass
I'm going down alone

All I see is icy blue
And I don't feel the waves
It doesn't matter anyhow
I know I won't be saved
Before you go to sleep tonight
Say a prayer for me, yeah
And all the other wasted souls
Drowning definitely

Mirror lyrics:

Drowning definitely
And all the other wasted souls
Say a prayer for me, yeah
Before you go to sleep tonight
I know I won't be saved
It doesn't matter anyhow
And I don't feel the waves
All I see is icy blue

I'm going down alone
And I slipped and fell on my ass
Trying to make it back home
People scattering everywhere
When you were right there with me
Swear I lost you in the crowd
It was so hard to see
When the rain started coming down

With true devotion
Going down, going down
Swallow an ocean
Going down, going down

I'm sailing off to sea
But it's empty and used up
It says you belong to me
In my hand there's a silver heart
The night it finally rained
A mess of clouds came over me
I never felt much pain
I was lucky for a long, long time

Relevant Tags:
TTrue DDevotion rue evotion rTue eDvotion frue xevotion fTrue xDevotion Tfrue Dxevotion 5rue eevotion 5True eDevotion T5rue Deevotion
hrue fevotion hTrue fDevotion Thrue Dfevotion yrue revotion yTrue rDevotion Tyrue Drevotion 6rue cevotion 6True cDevotion T6rue Dcevotion
grue sevotion gTrue sDevotion Tgrue Dsevotion rrue rTrue Dvotion Trrue Dveotion Dsvotion Tue Ture Desvotion
Tdue D3votion Tdrue D3evotion Trdue De3votion T4ue Dfvotion T4rue Tr4ue Defvotion Tgue Drvotion Trgue Dervotion Ttue D4votion
Ttrue D4evotion Trtue De4votion T5ue Ddvotion Ddevotion Tr5ue Dedvotion Tfue Dwvotion Dwevotion Trfue Dewvotion Teue Devvotion
Terue Deotion Treue Deovtion Truue Debotion Tre Debvotion Treu Devbotion Trhe Decotion Trhue Decvotion Truhe Devcotion Tr7e Degotion
Tr7ue Degvotion Tru7e Devgotion Trke Defotion Trkue Truke Devfotion Trie Devootion Triue Devtion Truie Devtoion Tr8e Devktion
Tr8ue Devkotion Tru8e Devoktion Trje Dev9tion Trjue Dev9otion Truje Devo9tion Trye Dev0tion Tryue Dev0otion Truye Devo0tion Truee Devltion
Tru Devlotion True Devoltion

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