
theres another brazen day
things kinda move that way
good lord above, now he don't have to fuss
not for good hardy people like us

born with a weary eye
plain to see, my oh my
these crazy ideas, oh they don't last long
but they come and they go in america

and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho

theres another fallen man
with hair I don't understand
its just bout as long as my wife marlene
don't it all kinda keep you to wondering

staring at the stars above
wonder what are we made of
some folks say that they know right away
so you look on a cloud for a lullaby

and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and i said hey
everywhere i see, hey
everywhere i see

theres another busted dream
staring me right in the face
good lord knows why we don't give in
trying to leave, maybe run from this place

instead of staring at the stars above
wondering what are we made of
some folks say that they know right away
so you look on a cloud for a lullaby

and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho

and i say staring at the world from my home little idaho
staring at the world from my home little idaho
and i say hey
everywhere i see, hey
everywhere i see

Mirror lyrics:

everywhere i see
everywhere i see, hey
and i say hey
staring at the world from my home little idaho
and i say staring at the world from my home little idaho

and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho

so you look on a cloud for a lullaby
some folks say that they know right away
wondering what are we made of
instead of staring at the stars above

trying to leave, maybe run from this place
good lord knows why we don't give in
staring me right in the face
theres another busted dream

everywhere i see
everywhere i see, hey
and i said hey
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho

so you look on a cloud for a lullaby
some folks say that they know right away
wonder what are we made of
staring at the stars above

don't it all kinda keep you to wondering
its just bout as long as my wife marlene
with hair I don't understand
theres another fallen man

and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho
and we're staring at the world from my home little idaho

but they come and they go in america
these crazy ideas, oh they don't last long
plain to see, my oh my
born with a weary eye

not for good hardy people like us
good lord above, now he don't have to fuss
things kinda move that way
theres another brazen day

Relevant Tags:
IIdaho daho dIaho jdaho jIdaho Ijdaho 9daho 9Idaho I9daho ldaho lIdaho
Ildaho odaho oIdaho Iodaho kdaho kIdaho Ikdaho 8daho 8Idaho I8daho udaho
uIdaho Iudaho Iddaho Iaho Iadho Ixaho Ixdaho Idxaho Ieaho Iedaho Ideaho
Ifaho Ifdaho Idfaho Iraho Irdaho Idraho Icaho Icdaho Idcaho Isaho Isdaho
Idsaho Idaaho Idho Idhao Idzho Idzaho

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