Bobo In White Wooden Houses
Road To Move On

we travelled for so long
but now our journey has coming to an end
you should`nt say it`s all over
but something new has to begin

every road has a turning point
we´re on that road to move on

my love I wish you well
you own a spezial place in my broken heart
don´t tell me it`s only regret
please tell me you will understand

every road has a turning point
we´re on that road to move on

Mirror lyrics:

we´re on that road to move on
every road has a turning point

please tell me you will understand
don´t tell me it`s only regret
you own a spezial place in my broken heart
my love I wish you well

we´re on that road to move on
every road has a turning point

but something new has to begin
you should`nt say it`s all over
but now our journey has coming to an end
we travelled for so long

Relevant Tags:
RRoad TTo MMove OOn oad o ove n oRad oT oMve nO doad fo jove kn dRoad fTo jMove kOn Rdoad Tfo Mjove Okn 4oad 5o kove 9n
4Road 5To kMove 9On R4oad T5o Mkove O9n goad ho nove 0n gRoad hTo nMove 0On Rgoad Tho Mnove O0n toad yo Moove ln tRoad yTo Mve lOn
Rtoad Tyo Mvoe Oln 5oad 6o Mkve in 5Road 6To iOn R5oad T6o Mokve Oin foad go M9ve Onn fRoad gTo M9ove O Rfoad Tgo Mo9ve On
eoad ro M0ve Om eRoad rTo M0ove Omn Reoad Tro Mo0ve Onm Rooad Too Mlve Oh Rad T Mlove Ohn Raod To Molve Onh Rkad Tk Mive Oj
Rkoad Tko Miove Ojn Rokad Tok Moive Onj R9ad T9 Movve Ob R9oad T9o Moe Obn Ro9ad To9 Moev Onb R0ad T0 Mobe R0oad T0o Mobve
Ro0ad To0 Movbe Rlad Tl Moce Rload Tlo Mocve Rolad Tol Movce Riad Ti Moge

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