Bobby Yarsulik
Ballad Of The Creeper

It's been so long since I had a friend
Stuck inside all these caves
It makes me sad when I see your face
You want to make my life end

So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM

I'm in the dark you are in the light
I'll sneak up on you even in the night
and when I'm close you will hear the sound
You won't even get a chance to fight

So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM

I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper X2

So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM

I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper X4

Mirror lyrics:

I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper X4

My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you

I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper, I'm the creeper X2

My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you

You won't even get a chance to fight
and when I'm close you will hear the sound
I'll sneak up on you even in the night
I'm in the dark you are in the light

My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you
My brain is gonna SSSSSS, and then I'm gonna BOOM
So I'm gonna creep on you, gonna creep on you

You want to make my life end
It makes me sad when I see your face
Stuck inside all these caves
It's been so long since I had a friend

Relevant Tags:
BBallad OOf TThe CCreeper allad f he reeper aBllad fO hTe rCeeper vallad kf fhe freeper vBallad kOf fThe fCreeper Bvallad Okf Tfhe Cfreeper
gallad 9f 5he xreeper gBallad 9Of 5The xCreeper Bgallad O9f T5he Cxreeper nallad 0f hhe vreeper nBallad 0Of hThe vCreeper Bnallad O0f Thhe Cvreeper
hallad lf yhe dreeper hBallad lOf yThe dCreeper Bhallad Olf Tyhe Cdreeper Baallad if 6he Crreeper Bllad iOf 6The Ceeper Blalad Oif T6he Cereper
Bzllad Off ghe Cdeeper Bzallad O gThe Bazllad Of Tghe Crdeeper Bqllad Oc rhe C4eeper Bqallad Ocf rThe C4reeper Baqllad Ofc Trhe Cr4eeper
Bsllad Or Cgeeper Bsallad Orf Te Cgreeper Basllad Ofr Teh Crgeeper Bwllad Og Tje Cteeper Bwallad Ogf Tjhe Ctreeper Bawllad Ofg Thje Crteeper
Bxllad Ot Tue C5eeper Bxallad Otf Tuhe C5reeper Baxllad Oft Thue Cr5eeper Balllad Ov Tne Cfeeper Balad Ovf Tnhe Ballad Ofv Thne Crfeeper
Baklad Od Tbe Ceeeper Bakllad Odf Tbhe Cereeper Balklad Ofd Thbe Creeeper Baolad Tge Baollad Creper Balolad Thge Creeper
Baplad Tye Crseper Bapllad Crseeper Balplad Thye Creseper Thee Cr3eper Th Cr3eeper Balald The Cre3eper
Balkad Ths Crfeper Thse Ballkad Thes Crefeper Baload Th3 Crreper Th3e Balload The3 Crereper
Balpad Thf Cr4eper Thfe Ballpad Thef Cre4eper Ballaad Thr Crdeper Balld Thre Ballda Ther Credeper
Ballzd Th4 Crweper Ballzad Th4e Crweeper Ballazd The4 Creweper

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