Bobby Womack
I Wish He Didn't Trust Me So Much

I'm the best friend he's got

I'd give him the shirt off my back

He knows he can trust me with his life

But he's tryin' to leave me alone

Leaves me alone with his wife

I wish he didn't trust me so much

I think he really trusts me too much

How can he be so blind?

We've both got the same good taste

He should know when he's gone on his business trips

I can't help watchin' his woman

'Cause I'm losin' my grip

I wish he didn't trust me so much

I think he really trusts me too much

Though I swear, all is not my will

But there's a way

There's a way she make me feel

Lord, I'm scared, so scared of what I do

If she starts feelin' same way too

You shouldn't trust me so much

(We got a problem)

I think you really trust me too much

It's not that she leads me on

I'm gettin' there all by myself

But just being with her all, all alone

I can't help but hopin'

That he never comes home

I wish he didn't trust me so much

I think you really trust me too much

I wish he didn't trust me so much

(We got a problem)

I think you really trust me too much

Though I swear, all is not my will

(Is not my will)

But it's somethin' about the way

The way she makes me feel

Lord, I'm so scared, scared of what I do

If she starts feelin' the same way too

I wish he didn't trust me so much


I think he really trusts me too much

(I got a problem)

You can see, I'm caught up

(I wish he didn't trust me so much)

Caught up in the middle

(I think he really trusts me too much)

And I'm down, tired of playing [Incomprehensible]

Mirror lyrics:

And I'm down, tired of playing [Incomprehensible]

(I think he really trusts me too much)

Caught up in the middle

(I wish he didn't trust me so much)

You can see, I'm caught up

(I got a problem)

I think he really trusts me too much


I wish he didn't trust me so much

If she starts feelin' the same way too

Lord, I'm so scared, scared of what I do

The way she makes me feel

But it's somethin' about the way

(Is not my will)

Though I swear, all is not my will

I think you really trust me too much

(We got a problem)

I wish he didn't trust me so much

I think you really trust me too much

I wish he didn't trust me so much

That he never comes home

I can't help but hopin'

But just being with her all, all alone

I'm gettin' there all by myself

It's not that she leads me on

I think you really trust me too much

(We got a problem)

You shouldn't trust me so much

If she starts feelin' same way too

Lord, I'm scared, so scared of what I do

There's a way she make me feel

But there's a way

Though I swear, all is not my will

I think he really trusts me too much

I wish he didn't trust me so much

'Cause I'm losin' my grip

I can't help watchin' his woman

He should know when he's gone on his business trips

We've both got the same good taste

How can he be so blind?

I think he really trusts me too much

I wish he didn't trust me so much

Leaves me alone with his wife

But he's tryin' to leave me alone

He knows he can trust me with his life

I'd give him the shirt off my back

I'm the best friend he's got

Relevant Tags:
II WWish HHe DDidn't TTrust MMe SSo MMuch ish e idn't rust e o uch I iWsh eH iDdn't rTust eM oS uMch j aish je xidn't frust je zo juch jI aWish jHe xDidn't fTrust jMe zSo jMuch
Ij Waish Hje Dxidn't Tfrust Mje Szo Mjuch 9 3ish ue eidn't 5rust ke wo kuch 9I 3Wish uHe eDidn't 5Trust kMe wSo kMuch I9 W3ish Hue Deidn't T5rust Mke Swo Mkuch l dish ne fidn't hrust ne do nuch
lI dWish nHe fDidn't hTrust nMe dSo nMuch Il Wdish Hne Dfidn't Thrust Mne Sdo Mnuch o eish be ridn't yrust Mee eo Muuch oI eWish bHe rDidn't yTrust M eSo Mch Io Weish Hbe Dridn't Tyrust Me Seo Mcuh
k sish ge cidn't 6rust Ms xo Mhch kI sWish gHe cDidn't 6Trust Mse xSo Mhuch Ik Wsish Hge Dcidn't T6rust Mes Sxo Muhch 8 2ish ye sidn't grust M3 ao M7ch 8I 2Wish yHe sDidn't gTrust M3e aSo M7uch
I8 W2ish Hye Dsidn't Tgrust Me3 Sao Mu7ch u qish Hee Diidn't rrust Mf Soo Mkch uI qWish H Ddn't rTrust Mfe S Iu Wqish He Ddin't Trrust Mef So Mukch Wiish Hs Djdn't Mr Sk Mich
Wsh Hse Djidn't Tust Mre Sko Miuch Wsih Hes Dijdn't Turst Mer Sok Muich Wjsh H3 D9dn't Tdust M4 S9 M8ch Wjish H3e D9idn't Tdrust M4e S9o M8uch Wijsh He3 Di9dn't Trdust Me4 So9 Mu8ch
W9sh Hf Dldn't T4ust Md S0 Mjch W9ish Hfe Dlidn't T4rust Mde S0o Wi9sh Hef Dildn't Tr4ust Med So0 Mujch Wlsh Hr Dodn't Tgust Mw Sl Mych Wlish Hre Doidn't Mwe Slo Myuch
Wilsh Her Diodn't Trgust Mew Sol Muych Wosh H4 Dkdn't Ttust Si Mucch Woish H4e Dkidn't Ttrust Sio Muh Wiosh He4 Dikdn't Trtust Soi Muhc Wksh Hd D8dn't T5ust Mufh
Wkish Hde D8idn't Mufch Wiksh Hed Di8dn't Tr5ust Mucfh W8sh Hw Dudn't Tfust Muxh W8ish Hwe Duidn't Muxch Wi8sh Hew Diudn't Trfust Mucxh
Wush Diddn't Teust Muvh Wuish Din't Terust Muvch Wiush Dind't Treust Mucvh Wissh Dixn't Truust Mudh Wih Dixdn't Trst Mudch
Wihs Didxn't Trsut Mucdh Wizh Dien't Trhst Muchh Wizsh Diedn't Trhust Muc Wiszh Diden't Truhst Much Wiwh Difn't Tr7st Mucj
Wiwsh Difdn't Tr7ust Mucjh Wiswh Didfn't Tru7st Muchj

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