Self Inflicted

I can read you
I don't need too
Everything is someone else's fault
Responsaphobia is catchin' up with
I'm tryin' to forget my own strict guidelines I forgot to set.
The carpet sticks
The T.V's calling for you.

Denying everything
Might only make it worse.
But things are hard to say, when someone's leavin'
Somebody else is leavin now.

Now everything's been blown away
It's self inflicted I've just got to say
My own complacency replacing anger
A different life with only me
A life of nil is all that I can see
Confusion grows the pain will go in time but

Enough to make you stay
To stop me thinkin'everyday
If it only is
If it only could be
If it only was.

Mirror lyrics:

If it only was.
If it only could be
If it only is
To stop me thinkin'everyday
Enough to make you stay

Confusion grows the pain will go in time but
A life of nil is all that I can see
A different life with only me
My own complacency replacing anger
It's self inflicted I've just got to say
Now everything's been blown away

Somebody else is leavin now.
But things are hard to say, when someone's leavin'
Might only make it worse.
Denying everything

The T.V's calling for you.
The carpet sticks
I'm tryin' to forget my own strict guidelines I forgot to set.
Responsaphobia is catchin' up with
Everything is someone else's fault
I don't need too
I can read you

Relevant Tags:
SSelf IInflicted elf nflicted eSlf nIflicted zelf jnflicted zSelf jInflicted Szelf Ijnflicted welf 9nflicted wSelf 9Inflicted
Swelf I9nflicted delf lnflicted dSelf lInflicted Sdelf Ilnflicted eelf onflicted eSelf oInflicted Seelf Ionflicted xelf knflicted
xSelf kInflicted Sxelf Iknflicted aelf 8nflicted aSelf 8Inflicted Saelf I8nflicted unflicted Slf uInflicted Slef Iunflicted
Sslf Innflicted Sself Iflicted Seslf Ifnlicted S3lf Imflicted S3elf Imnflicted Se3lf Inmflicted Sflf Ihflicted Sfelf Ihnflicted
Seflf Inhflicted Srlf Ijflicted Srelf Serlf Injflicted S4lf Ibflicted S4elf Ibnflicted Se4lf Inbflicted Sdlf Infflicted
Inlicted Sedlf Inlficted Swlf Inclicted Incflicted Sewlf Infclicted Sellf Inrlicted Sef Inrflicted Sefl Infrlicted
Sekf Inglicted Seklf Ingflicted Selkf Infglicted Seof Intlicted Seolf Intflicted Selof Inftlicted Sepf Invlicted Seplf Invflicted
Selpf Infvlicted Selff Indlicted Sel Indflicted Self Infdlicted Selc Infllicted Selcf Inficted Selfc Infilcted Selr Infkicted
Selrf Infklicted Selfr Inflkicted Selg Infoicted Selgf Infolicted Selfg Infloicted Selt Infpicted Seltf Infplicted Selft Inflpicted
Selv Infliicted Selvf Inflcted Selfv Inflcited Seld Infljcted Seldf Infljicted Selfd Inflijcted Infl9cted Infl9icted
Infli9cted Infllcted Inflilcted

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