Charlie Louvin
I Just Don't Understand

I'd be the last one to tell you that you shouldn't go

And the first to say be happy if you can

But when you lie and hurt someone who needs and loves you so

Do you mind too much if I don't understand

I suppose that you're convinced this is the thing to do

Life is short and sweet break all the hearts you can

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's all a game to you

But do you mind too much if I don't understand

Forgive me but it all seems so unreal to me

And my heart and me we'd made so many plans

But that's all over now there's nothing left to do

But do you mind too much if I don't understand

[ piano ]

Forgive me but it all seems...

But do you mind too much if I just don't understand

Mirror lyrics:

But do you mind too much if I just don't understand

Forgive me but it all seems...

[ piano ]

But do you mind too much if I don't understand

But that's all over now there's nothing left to do

And my heart and me we'd made so many plans

Forgive me but it all seems so unreal to me

But do you mind too much if I don't understand

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's all a game to you

Life is short and sweet break all the hearts you can

I suppose that you're convinced this is the thing to do

Do you mind too much if I don't understand

But when you lie and hurt someone who needs and loves you so

And the first to say be happy if you can

I'd be the last one to tell you that you shouldn't go

Relevant Tags:
II JJust DDon't UUnderstand ust on't nderstand I uJst oDn't nUderstand j kust xon't hnderstand jI kJust xDon't hUnderstand Ij Jkust Dxon't Uhnderstand
9 iust eon't 7nderstand 9I iJust eDon't 7Understand I9 Jiust Deon't U7nderstand l must fon't knderstand lI mJust fDon't kUnderstand Il Jmust Dfon't Uknderstand
o nust ron't inderstand oI nJust rDon't iUnderstand Io Jnust Dron't Uinderstand k hust con't 8nderstand kI hJust cDon't 8Understand Ik Jhust Dcon't U8nderstand
8 uust son't jnderstand 8I uJust sDon't jUnderstand I8 Juust Dson't Ujnderstand u Doon't ynderstand uI Jst Dn't yUnderstand Iu Jsut Dno't Uynderstand
Jhst Dkn't Unnderstand Dkon't Uderstand Juhst Dokn't Udnerstand J7st D9n't Umderstand J7ust D9on't Umnderstand Ju7st Do9n't Unmderstand
Jkst D0n't Uhderstand D0on't Jukst Do0n't Unhderstand Jist Dln't Ujderstand Dlon't Juist Doln't Unjderstand
J8st Din't Ubderstand J8ust Dion't Ubnderstand Ju8st Doin't Unbderstand Jjst Donn't Undderstand Jjust Do't Unerstand Jujst Do'nt Unedrstand
Jyst Dom't Unxerstand Jyust Domn't Unxderstand Juyst Donm't Undxerstand Jusst Doh't Uneerstand Jut Dohn't Unederstand Juts Donh't Undeerstand
Juzt Doj't Unferstand Juzst Dojn't Unfderstand Juszt Donj't Undferstand Juwt Dob't Unrerstand Juwst Dobn't Unrderstand Juswt Donb't Undrerstand
Judt Don''t Uncerstand Judst Dont Uncderstand Jusdt Dont' Undcerstand Juet Don'tt Unserstand Juest Don' Unsderstand Juset Don't Undserstand
Juxt Don'f Juxst Don'ft Undrstand Jusxt Don'tf Undrestand Juat Don'5 Undsrstand Juast Don'5t Jusat Don't5 Undesrstand
Justt Don'h Und3rstand Jus Don'ht Und3erstand Just Don'th Unde3rstand Jusf Don'y Undfrstand Jusft Don'yt Justf Don'ty Undefrstand
Jus5 Don'6 Undrrstand Jus5t Don'6t Just5 Don't6 Underrstand Jush Don'g Und4rstand Jusht Don'gt Und4erstand Justh Don'tg Unde4rstand
Jusy Don'r Unddrstand Jusyt Don'rt Justy Don'tr Undedrstand Jus6 Undwrstand Jus6t Undwerstand Just6 Undewrstand
Jusg Jusgt Undestand Justg Undesrtand Jusr Undedstand Jusrt Justr Underdstand
Unde4stand Under4stand Undegstand Undegrstand Undergstand Undetstand

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