Charlie Landsborough
Royal Telephone

Telephone to glory oh what joy devine
I can feel the current moving down the line
Made by God the Father for his very own
You can talk to Jesus on this Royal Telephone

Central's never busy always on the line
You can hear from heaven almost anytime
It's a royal service built for one and all
When you get in trouble give this Royal line a call

Telephone to glory oh what joy devine
I can feel the current moving down the line
Made by God the Father for his very own
You can talk to Jesus on this Royal Telephone

Music ----

If your line is grounded and connections too
Have a talk with Jesus He'll tell you what to do
Prayer and faith and promise mends a broken wand
Then your Soul is burning with a Pentecostal fire

Telephone to glory all the Georgia vine
I can feel the current moving down the line
Made by God the Father for his very own
You can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone

There will be no charges telephone is free
It is good for Service just you and me
There will be no waiting on this Royal line
Telephone to glory always answered just in time

Telephone to Glory oh what joy devine
I can feel the current moving down the line
Made by God the Father for His very own
You can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone

Oh you can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone


Mirror lyrics:


Oh you can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone

You can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone
Made by God the Father for His very own
I can feel the current moving down the line
Telephone to Glory oh what joy devine

Telephone to glory always answered just in time
There will be no waiting on this Royal line
It is good for Service just you and me
There will be no charges telephone is free

You can talk to Jesus on the Royal Telephone
Made by God the Father for his very own
I can feel the current moving down the line
Telephone to glory all the Georgia vine

Then your Soul is burning with a Pentecostal fire
Prayer and faith and promise mends a broken wand
Have a talk with Jesus He'll tell you what to do
If your line is grounded and connections too

Music ----

You can talk to Jesus on this Royal Telephone
Made by God the Father for his very own
I can feel the current moving down the line
Telephone to glory oh what joy devine

When you get in trouble give this Royal line a call
It's a royal service built for one and all
You can hear from heaven almost anytime
Central's never busy always on the line

You can talk to Jesus on this Royal Telephone
Made by God the Father for his very own
I can feel the current moving down the line
Telephone to glory oh what joy devine

Relevant Tags:
RRoyal TTelephone oyal elephone oRyal eTlephone doyal felephone dRoyal fTelephone Rdoyal Tfelephone 4oyal 5elephone
4Royal 5Telephone R4oyal T5elephone goyal helephone gRoyal hTelephone Rgoyal Thelephone toyal yelephone tRoyal yTelephone
Rtoyal Tyelephone 5oyal 6elephone 5Royal 6Telephone R5oyal T6elephone foyal gelephone fRoyal gTelephone Rfoyal Tgelephone
eoyal relephone eRoyal rTelephone Reoyal Trelephone Rooyal Teelephone Ryal Tlephone Ryoal Tleephone Rkyal Tslephone
Rkoyal Tselephone Rokyal Teslephone R9yal T3lephone R9oyal T3elephone Ro9yal Te3lephone R0yal Tflephone R0oyal
Ro0yal Teflephone Rlyal Trlephone Rloyal Rolyal Terlephone Riyal T4lephone Rioyal T4elephone Roiyal Te4lephone
Royyal Tdlephone Roal Tdelephone Roayl Tedlephone Rogal Twlephone Rogyal Twelephone Roygal Tewlephone Rohal Tellephone
Rohyal Teephone Royhal Teelphone Ro6al Tekephone Ro6yal Teklephone Roy6al Telkephone Roual Teoephone Rouyal Teolephone
Royual Teloephone Ro7al Tepephone Ro7yal Teplephone Roy7al Telpephone Rojal Teleephone Rojyal Telphone Royjal Telpehone
Rotal Telsphone Rotyal Telsephone Roytal Telesphone Royaal Tel3phone Royl Tel3ephone Royla Tele3phone Royzl Telfphone
Royzal Telfephone Royazl Telefphone Royql Telrphone Royqal Telrephone Royaql Telerphone Roysl Tel4phone Roysal Tel4ephone
Royasl Tele4phone Roywl Teldphone Roywal Teldephone Royawl Teledphone Royxl Telwphone Royxal Telwephone Royaxl Telewphone
Royall Telepphone Roya Telehone

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