Charlotte Sometimes
Hurt The Good

Andre, I once said
"Seems like a distant car" ?
And while I heard these words
I took a number off the shelf
It don't matter my age
'cause every time I saw myself
It hurt to touch

My body bleeds all day
What do they do
They hurt the good
They hurt the truth

The fool followed the cars
Seems like jaded show work?
I'm running out of time, I know
I adore is why?

My body bleeds all day
What do they do
They hurt the good
They hurt the truth

They burn the only bridge in me

Mirror lyrics:

They burn the only bridge in me

They hurt the truth
They hurt the good
What do they do
My body bleeds all day

I adore is why?
I'm running out of time, I know
Seems like jaded show work?
The fool followed the cars

They hurt the truth
They hurt the good
What do they do
My body bleeds all day

It hurt to touch
'cause every time I saw myself
It don't matter my age
I took a number off the shelf
And while I heard these words
"Seems like a distant car" ?
Andre, I once said

Relevant Tags:
HHurt TThe GGood urt he ood uHrt hTe oGod jurt fhe hood jHurt fThe hGood Hjurt Tfhe Ghood uurt 5he yood uHurt 5The yGood Huurt T5he Gyood
nurt hhe bood nHurt hThe bGood Hnurt Thhe Gbood burt yhe vood bHurt yThe vGood Hburt Tyhe Gvood gurt 6he food gHurt 6The fGood Hgurt T6he Gfood
yurt ghe tood yHurt gThe tGood Hyurt Tghe Gtood rhe Goood Hrt rThe God Hrut Trhe Good Hhrt Gkod Hhurt Te Gkood Huhrt Teh Gokod
H7rt Tje G9od H7urt Tjhe G9ood Hu7rt Thje Go9od Hkrt Tue G0od Hkurt Tuhe G0ood Hukrt Thue Go0od Hirt Tne Glod Hiurt Tnhe Glood Huirt Thne Golod
H8rt Tbe Giod H8urt Tbhe Giood Hu8rt Thbe Goiod Hjrt Tge Hujrt Thge Godo Hyrt Tye Gokd

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