Bob Seger
Ain't Got No Money

Well I'm looking for a woman
About five foot six
Who ain't into glamour
She's just into kicks
Just a sweet fashion lady
Stepping dynamite
Who's gonna take me for granted
In the heat of the night
Come on baby
Don't run away
Look here in my face
Be it night or day
I ain't got no money
But I sure got a whole lotta love
Well I'm walking down the street
And my heart's feeling heavy
Swaying with the beat
'Cause I'm more than just ready
She's looking at me
I can feel it in my bones
Step right on up
And I'll be taking you home
Don't turn away
Look here in my face
Be it night or day
I ain't got no money
But I sure got a whole lot of love
A whole lot of love
Well I'm looking for a woman
Who's looking for a man
Who's looking for a time
Like she ain't ever had
Just a sweet fashion lady
Stepping dynamite
Who's gonna take me for granted
In the heat of the night
Come on baby don't run away
Look here in my face
Be it night or day
I ain't got no money
But I sure got a whole lotta love

Mirror lyrics:

But I sure got a whole lotta love
I ain't got no money
Be it night or day
Look here in my face
Come on baby don't run away
In the heat of the night
Who's gonna take me for granted
Stepping dynamite
Just a sweet fashion lady
Like she ain't ever had
Who's looking for a time
Who's looking for a man
Well I'm looking for a woman
A whole lot of love
But I sure got a whole lot of love
I ain't got no money
Be it night or day
Look here in my face
Don't turn away
And I'll be taking you home
Step right on up
I can feel it in my bones
She's looking at me
'Cause I'm more than just ready
Swaying with the beat
And my heart's feeling heavy
Well I'm walking down the street
But I sure got a whole lotta love
I ain't got no money
Be it night or day
Look here in my face
Don't run away
Come on baby
In the heat of the night
Who's gonna take me for granted
Stepping dynamite
Just a sweet fashion lady
She's just into kicks
Who ain't into glamour
About five foot six
Well I'm looking for a woman

Relevant Tags:
AAin't GGot NNo MMoney in't ot o oney iAn't oGt oN oMney zin't hot mo joney zAin't hGot mNo jMoney Azin't Ghot Nmo Mjoney
qin't yot ho koney qAin't yGot hNo kMoney Aqin't Gyot Nho Mkoney sin't bot jo noney sAin't bGot jNo nMoney Asin't Gbot Njo Mnoney
win't vot bo Mooney wAin't vGot bNo Mney Awin't Gvot Nbo Mnoey xin't fot Noo Mkney xAin't fGot N Axin't Gfot No Mokney
Aiin't tot Nk M9ney An't tGot Nko M9oney Ani't Gtot Nok Mo9ney Ajn't Goot N9 M0ney Ajin't Gt N9o M0oney Aijn't Gto No9 Mo0ney
A9n't Gkt N0 Mlney A9in't Gkot N0o Mloney Ai9n't Gokt No0 Molney Aln't G9t Nl Miney Alin't G9ot Nlo Mioney Ailn't Go9t Nol Moiney
Aon't G0t Ni Monney Aoin't G0ot Nio Moey Aion't Go0t Noi Moeny Akn't Glt Momey Akin't Glot Momney Aikn't Golt Monmey
A8n't Git Mohey A8in't Giot Mohney Ai8n't Goit Monhey Aun't Gott Mojey Auin't Go Mojney Aiun't Got Monjey
Ainn't Gof Mobey Ai't Goft Mobney Ai'nt Gotf Monbey Aim't Go5 Moneey

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