Bobby Bare
Candy Coated Kisses

(Barry DeVorzon - Cliff Crawford)

You speak and the words flow like honey
Your kiss holds a promise so sweet
But all of these things that you tell me
You tell to each new love you meet.

Candy coated kisses
Sugar coated lies
Oh, how I want to believe them
But only a fool would try.

You smile and my whole world turns sunny
You know just the right things to say
Your words paint such beautiful pictures
Pictures that soon fade away.

How many hearts have you broken
How many lips have you kissed
I don't wanna know so don't tell me
Just add my name to your list.

Candy coated kisses
Sugar coated lies
Oh, how I want to believe them
But only a fool would try.

Only a fool would try, only a fool would try.
(Candy coated kisses...)

Mirror lyrics:

(Candy coated kisses...)
Only a fool would try, only a fool would try.

But only a fool would try.
Oh, how I want to believe them
Sugar coated lies
Candy coated kisses

Just add my name to your list.
I don't wanna know so don't tell me
How many lips have you kissed
How many hearts have you broken

Pictures that soon fade away.
Your words paint such beautiful pictures
You know just the right things to say
You smile and my whole world turns sunny

But only a fool would try.
Oh, how I want to believe them
Sugar coated lies
Candy coated kisses

You tell to each new love you meet.
But all of these things that you tell me
Your kiss holds a promise so sweet
You speak and the words flow like honey

(Barry DeVorzon - Cliff Crawford)

Relevant Tags:
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xandy xoated oisses xCandy xCoated oKisses Cxandy Cxoated Koisses vandy voated misses vCandy vCoated mKisses Cvandy Cvoated Kmisses
dandy doated jisses dCandy dCoated jKisses Cdandy Cdoated Kjisses Caandy Cooated iisses Cndy Cated iKisses Cnady Caoted Kiisses
Czndy Ckated Czandy Ckoated Ksses Cazndy Cokated Ksises Cqndy C9ated Kjsses Cqandy C9oated Caqndy Co9ated Kijsses
Csndy C0ated K9sses Csandy C0oated K9isses Casndy Co0ated Ki9sses Cwndy Clated Klsses Cwandy Cloated Cawndy Colated Kilsses
Cxndy Ciated Kosses Cioated Caxndy Coiated Kiosses Canndy Coaated Kksses Cady Coted Kkisses Cadny Cotaed Kiksses
Camdy Cozted K8sses Camndy Cozated K8isses Canmdy Coazted Ki8sses Cahdy Coqted Kusses Cahndy Coqated Kuisses Canhdy Coaqted Kiusses
Cajdy Costed Kissses Cajndy Cosated Kises Canjdy Coasted Kisses Cabdy Cowted Kizses Cabndy Cowated Kizsses Canbdy Coawted Kiszses
Canddy Coxted Kiwses Cany Coxated Kiwsses Canyd Coaxted Kiswses Canxy Coatted Kidses Canxdy Coaed Kidsses Candxy Coaetd Kisdses
Caney Coafed Kieses Canedy Coafted Kiesses Candey Coatfed Kiseses

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