Campesinos!, Los
Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats

One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!

Any more tears for the birthing pool?
Bear this child directly into misery
Kiss him in the face with no lips and no tongue
But with your little, middle, index and ring fingers
Singing I see songs in shapes and colours
Like nuclear physics or pottery ovens
Fluid lines that soar like towers
Patterns reformed just like child actors

Plunge your hand, rip out my spine
Replace it with a UV light
So I can be the beacon of hope that you'd always expected

These constant broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats
Looping round and round to me
You know he's so much more like Spiderman than you will ever, ever be

So stick with your instincts
Stick with the imprints
With the hieroglyphics that the fan club sent us
And roll with the toppers
Just like steady choppers
Bat it with your eyelids
And lose it with your static
Go b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b - honeeeeey!
I'm taking far too many chances
On these less than idealistic romances

Plunge your hand, rip out my spine
Replace it with a UV light
So I can be the beacon of hope that you'd always expected

These constant broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats
Looping round and round to me
You know he's so much more like Spiderman than you will ever, ever be.

Mirror lyrics:

You know he's so much more like Spiderman than you will ever, ever be.
Looping round and round to me
These constant broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats

So I can be the beacon of hope that you'd always expected
Replace it with a UV light
Plunge your hand, rip out my spine

On these less than idealistic romances
I'm taking far too many chances
Go b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b - honeeeeey!
And lose it with your static
Bat it with your eyelids
Just like steady choppers
And roll with the toppers
With the hieroglyphics that the fan club sent us
Stick with the imprints
So stick with your instincts

You know he's so much more like Spiderman than you will ever, ever be
Looping round and round to me
These constant broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats

So I can be the beacon of hope that you'd always expected
Replace it with a UV light
Plunge your hand, rip out my spine

Patterns reformed just like child actors
Fluid lines that soar like towers
Like nuclear physics or pottery ovens
Singing I see songs in shapes and colours
But with your little, middle, index and ring fingers
Kiss him in the face with no lips and no tongue
Bear this child directly into misery
Any more tears for the birthing pool?

One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!
One! Two! Three! Four!

Relevant Tags:
BBroken HHeartbeats SSound LLike BBreakbeats roken eartbeats ound ike reakbeats rBoken eHartbeats oSund iLke rBeakbeats
vroken jeartbeats zound kike vreakbeats vBroken jHeartbeats zSound kLike vBreakbeats Bvroken Hjeartbeats Szound Lkike Bvreakbeats
groken ueartbeats wound oike greakbeats gBroken uHeartbeats wSound oLike gBreakbeats Bgroken Hueartbeats Swound Loike Bgreakbeats
nroken neartbeats dound pike nreakbeats nBroken nHeartbeats dSound pLike nBreakbeats Bnroken Hneartbeats Sdound Lpike Bnreakbeats
hroken beartbeats eound Liike hreakbeats hBroken bHeartbeats eSound Lke hBreakbeats Bhroken Hbeartbeats Seound Lkie Bhreakbeats
Brroken geartbeats xound Ljke Brreakbeats Boken gHeartbeats xSound Ljike Beakbeats Borken Hgeartbeats Sxound Lijke Berakbeats
Bdoken yeartbeats aound L9ke Bdeakbeats Bdroken yHeartbeats aSound L9ike Bdreakbeats Brdoken Hyeartbeats Saound Li9ke Brdeakbeats
B4oken Heeartbeats Soound Llke B4eakbeats B4roken Hartbeats Sund Llike B4reakbeats Br4oken Haertbeats Suond Lilke Br4eakbeats
Bgoken Hsartbeats Skund Loke Bgeakbeats Hseartbeats Skound Brgoken Hesartbeats Sokund Lioke Brgeakbeats
Btoken H3artbeats S9und Lkke Bteakbeats Btroken H3eartbeats S9ound Btreakbeats Brtoken He3artbeats So9und Likke Brteakbeats
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Brooken Hdartbeats Souund Lile Brken Hdeartbeats Sond Brakbeats Brkoen Hedartbeats Sonud Likle Braekbeats
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Brolen Hexrtbeats Soynd Lik3 Brwakbeats Hexartbeats Soyund Lik3e Brweakbeats Broklen Heaxrtbeats Souynd Like3 Brewakbeats
Brooen Hearrtbeats Sounnd Likf Breaakbeats Heatbeats Soud Likfe Brekbeats Brokoen Heatrbeats Soudn Likef Brekabeats
Bromen Headtbeats Soumd Likr Brezkbeats Bromken Headrtbeats Soumnd Likre Brezakbeats Brokmen Heardtbeats Sounmd Liker Breazkbeats
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Broien Heagtbeats Soujd Likd Breskbeats Heagrtbeats Likde Brokien Heargtbeats Sounjd Liked Breaskbeats
Brokeen Heattbeats Soubd Likw Brewkbeats Brokn Heatrtbeats Soubnd Likwe Brokne Hearttbeats Sounbd Likew Breawkbeats
Broksn Hea5tbeats Soundd Brexkbeats Broksen Hea5rtbeats Soun Brexakbeats Brokesn Hear5tbeats Sound Breaxkbeats
Brok3n Heaftbeats Sounx Breakkbeats Brok3en Heafrtbeats Sounxd Breabeats Broke3n Hearftbeats Soundx Breabkeats
Brokfn Heaetbeats Soune Brealbeats Brokfen Heaertbeats Souned Brealkbeats Brokefn Hearetbeats Sounde Breaklbeats
Brokrn Sounf Breaobeats Brokren Hearbeats Sounfd Breaokbeats Brokern Hearbteats Soundf Breakobeats

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