Camper Van Beethoven
The Light From A Cake

I'm alternating between heavy and light
Between meaning and nonsense
And having a drink
I have counted all the lines on the road
Between here and los angeles
That pass straight below
And I'm dreaming of a light, and it comes from your head
'cause you move just like you're a train
Not like a car, no, no, it would never be the same
And the light from your eyes is like the light from a cake
I was thinking of a cake
To lift off this burden
To lighten this weight
One sweet little cake
Dervishes run the head of a pin
We are sleeping like angels
And living like devils again
And I am waiting for the heaviness in the air to break
And reveal some small, irrelevant truth
'cause we move like we are suspended in ether
And the light from your eyes spills from the moon

Mirror lyrics:

And the light from your eyes spills from the moon
'cause we move like we are suspended in ether
And reveal some small, irrelevant truth
And I am waiting for the heaviness in the air to break
And living like devils again
We are sleeping like angels
Dervishes run the head of a pin
One sweet little cake
To lighten this weight
To lift off this burden
I was thinking of a cake
And the light from your eyes is like the light from a cake
Not like a car, no, no, it would never be the same
'cause you move just like you're a train
And I'm dreaming of a light, and it comes from your head
That pass straight below
Between here and los angeles
I have counted all the lines on the road
And having a drink
Between meaning and nonsense
I'm alternating between heavy and light

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLight FFrom AA CCake he ight rom ake hTe iLght rFom A aCke fhe kight crom z fake fThe kLight cFrom zA fCake Tfhe Lkight Fcrom Az Cfake
5he oight rrom q xake 5The oLight rFrom qA xCake T5he Loight Frrom Aq Cxake hhe pight grom s vake hThe pLight gFrom sA vCake Thhe Lpight Fgrom As Cvake
yhe Liight trom w dake yThe Lght tFrom wA dCake Tyhe Lgiht Ftrom Aw Cdake 6he Ljght vrom x Caake 6The Ljight vFrom xA Cke T6he Lijght Fvrom Ax Ckae
ghe L9ght drom Czke gThe L9ight dFrom Czake Tghe Li9ght Fdrom Cazke rhe Llght Cqke rThe Llight Fom Cqake Trhe Lilght Form Caqke
Loght Fdom Cske Te Csake Teh Lioght Frdom Caske Tje Lkght F4om Cwke Tjhe F4rom Cwake Thje Likght Fr4om Cawke
Tue L8ght Fgom Cxke Tuhe L8ight Thue Li8ght Frgom Caxke Tne Lught Ftom Cakke Tnhe Luight Cae Thne Liught Frtom Caek
Tbe Ligght F5om Cale Tbhe Liht F5rom Calke Thbe Lihgt Fr5om Cakle Tge Lihht Ffom Caoe Lihght Ffrom Caoke Thge Lighht Frfom Cakoe
Tye Liyht Feom Came Liyght Ferom Camke Thye Ligyht Freom Cakme Thee Libht Froom Caje Th Libght Frm Cajke

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