Sixteen Tons Of Hardware

(Sixteen tons of hardware)
(Sixteen tons of hardware)

Every night has got a crowd to cheer
A show to get things right
Every band has got a stage to fear
A kick when the crowd is in sight

Turn on feedback looper super trouper
Flashes clashing a screen
Tune in consecrating masquerading
Ghosts in our sonic machine

We load sixteen tons of hardware
Blazing steel and galvanized
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Through the gates of paradise

We load sixteen tons of hardware
Blazing steel and galvanized
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Through the gates of paradise

Digging deep inside a wall of sound
The cheering of the crowd
Take me high, I'm feeling heavenbound
The sound when I shout it out loud

Turn on feedback looper super trouper
Flashes clashing a screen
Tune in consecrating masquerading
Ghosts in our sonic machine

We load sixteen tons of hardware
Blazing steel and galvanized
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Through the gates of paradise

We load sixteen tons of hardware
Blazing steel and galvanized
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Through the gates of paradise

Mirror lyrics:

Through the gates of paradise
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Blazing steel and galvanized
We load sixteen tons of hardware

Through the gates of paradise
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Blazing steel and galvanized
We load sixteen tons of hardware

Ghosts in our sonic machine
Tune in consecrating masquerading
Flashes clashing a screen
Turn on feedback looper super trouper

The sound when I shout it out loud
Take me high, I'm feeling heavenbound
The cheering of the crowd
Digging deep inside a wall of sound

Through the gates of paradise
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Blazing steel and galvanized
We load sixteen tons of hardware

Through the gates of paradise
We crash fifteen supersonic tanks
Blazing steel and galvanized
We load sixteen tons of hardware

Ghosts in our sonic machine
Tune in consecrating masquerading
Flashes clashing a screen
Turn on feedback looper super trouper

A kick when the crowd is in sight
Every band has got a stage to fear
A show to get things right
Every night has got a crowd to cheer

(Sixteen tons of hardware)
(Sixteen tons of hardware)

Relevant Tags:
SSixteen TTons OOf HHardware ixteen ons f ardware iSxteen oTns fO aHrdware zixteen fons kf jardware zSixteen fTons kOf jHardware Szixteen Tfons Okf Hjardware
wixteen 5ons 9f uardware wSixteen 5Tons 9Of uHardware Swixteen T5ons O9f Huardware dixteen hons 0f nardware dSixteen hTons 0Of nHardware Sdixteen Thons O0f Hnardware
eixteen yons lf bardware eSixteen yTons lOf bHardware Seixteen Tyons Olf Hbardware xixteen 6ons if gardware xSixteen 6Tons iOf gHardware Sxixteen T6ons Oif Hgardware
aixteen gons Off yardware aSixteen gTons O yHardware Saixteen Tgons Of Hyardware Siixteen rons Oc Haardware Sxteen rTons Ocf Hrdware Sxiteen Trons Ofc Hradware
Sjxteen Toons Or Hzrdware Sjixteen Tns Orf Hzardware Sijxteen Tnos Ofr Hazrdware S9xteen Tkns Og Hqrdware S9ixteen Tkons Ogf Hqardware Si9xteen Tokns Ofg Haqrdware
Slxteen T9ns Ot Hsrdware Slixteen T9ons Otf Hsardware Silxteen To9ns Oft Hasrdware Soxteen T0ns Ov Hwrdware Soixteen T0ons Ovf Hwardware Sioxteen To0ns Ofv Hawrdware
Skxteen Tlns Od Hxrdware Skixteen Tlons Odf Hxardware Sikxteen Tolns Ofd Haxrdware S8xteen Tins Harrdware S8ixteen Tions Hadware Si8xteen Toins Hadrware
Suxteen Tonns Haddware Suixteen Tos Hadrdware Siuxteen Tosn Harddware Sixxteen Toms Ha4dware Siteen Tomns Ha4rdware Sitxeen Tonms Har4dware
Sidteen Tohs Hagdware Sidxteen Tohns Hagrdware Sixdteen Tonhs Hargdware Sizteen Tojs Hatdware Sizxteen Tojns Hatrdware Sixzteen Tonjs Hartdware
Sicteen Tobs Ha5dware Sicxteen Tobns Ha5rdware Sixcteen Tonbs Har5dware Sisteen Tonss Hafdware Sisxteen Ton Hafrdware Sixsteen Tons Harfdware
Sixtteen Tonz Haedware Sixeen Tonzs Haerdware Sixeten Tonsz Haredware Sixfeen Tonw Sixfteen Tonws Harware Sixtfeen Tonsw Harwdare
Six5een Tond Harxware Six5teen Tonds Harxdware Sixt5een Tonsd Hardxware Sixheen Tone Hareware Sixhteen Tones Sixtheen Tonse Hardeware
Sixyeen Tonx Harfware Sixyteen Tonxs Sixtyeen Tonsx Hardfware Six6een Tona Harrware Six6teen Tonas Sixt6een Tonsa Hardrware
Sixgeen Harcware

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