Unite To Progress

There's no room for sides, divided is all we'll be
Yeah we've made mistakes but mistakes we have learnt from
Just cos it's in a song, don't mean it can't be wrong
I'm just another thinker looking for some answers
Yeah I'm young, I may have got it wrong
But at least I can admit, react and move forward
You'll twist inside, fearing damage to your pride
But pride is a belief in yourself worked, conceived over time
There's no room for sides,
I'm not the first to say that your pride divides

Mirror lyrics:

I'm not the first to say that your pride divides
There's no room for sides,
But pride is a belief in yourself worked, conceived over time
You'll twist inside, fearing damage to your pride
But at least I can admit, react and move forward
Yeah I'm young, I may have got it wrong
I'm just another thinker looking for some answers
Just cos it's in a song, don't mean it can't be wrong
Yeah we've made mistakes but mistakes we have learnt from
There's no room for sides, divided is all we'll be

Relevant Tags:
UUnite TTo PProgress nite o rogress nUite oT rPogress hnite fo 0rogress hUnite fTo 0Progress Uhnite Tfo P0rogress
7nite 5o lrogress 7Unite 5To lProgress U7nite T5o Plrogress knite ho orogress kUnite hTo oProgress Uknite Tho Porogress
inite yo Prrogress iUnite yTo Pogress Uinite Tyo Porgress 8nite 6o Pdogress 8Unite 6To Pdrogress U8nite T6o Prdogress
jnite go P4ogress jUnite gTo P4rogress Ujnite Tgo Pr4ogress ynite ro Pgogress yUnite rTo Pgrogress Uynite Tro Prgogress
Unnite Too Ptogress Uite T Ptrogress Uinte To Prtogress Umite Tk P5ogress Umnite Tko P5rogress Unmite Tok Pr5ogress
Uhite T9 Pfogress T9o Pfrogress Unhite To9 Prfogress Ujite T0 Peogress T0o Perogress Unjite To0 Preogress
Ubite Tl Proogress Ubnite Tlo Prgress Unbite Tol Prgoress Uniite Ti Prkgress Unte Tio Prkogress Untie Toi Prokgress
Unjte Pr9gress Pr9ogress Unijte Pro9gress Un9te Pr0gress Un9ite Pr0ogress Uni9te Pro0gress
Unlte Prlgress Unlite Prlogress Unilte Prolgress Unote Prigress Unoite Priogress Uniote Proigress
Unkte Proggress Unkite Proress Unikte Prorgess Un8te Prohress Un8ite Prohgress Uni8te Proghress
Unute Proyress Unuite Proygress Uniute Progyress Unitte Probress Unie Probgress Uniet Progbress
Unife Provress Unifte Provgress Unitfe Progvress Uni5e Profress Uni5te Profgress Unit5e Progfress

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