Demons Gate

Beyond all nightmares I met my fate
An ancient passage surrounded by hate
Scared I was with my hand on my cross
I went into the demons gate
Across the Styx among the mists of Hades
A gate of stones marks the path
To soul's damnation and hell's wrath

Ancient evil is awaiting there
At the doorstep to hell
Within it's darkness the demons dwell
From the dark age the passage hail
Ceated by witchcraft and hate
Where every sinner will meet his fate

The place is cursed by the hands of doom
Unholy powers in reign
The devil's paradise of pain
Approach !
The Eibon opens for you
The choirs of damnation, call you on through
The twilight possesses, the heart of your soul
The starlight is fading to black, into the
Demons gate

Mirror lyrics:

Demons gate
The starlight is fading to black, into the
The twilight possesses, the heart of your soul
The choirs of damnation, call you on through
The Eibon opens for you
Approach !
The devil's paradise of pain
Unholy powers in reign
The place is cursed by the hands of doom

Where every sinner will meet his fate
Ceated by witchcraft and hate
From the dark age the passage hail
Within it's darkness the demons dwell
At the doorstep to hell
Ancient evil is awaiting there

To soul's damnation and hell's wrath
A gate of stones marks the path
Across the Styx among the mists of Hades
I went into the demons gate
Scared I was with my hand on my cross
An ancient passage surrounded by hate
Beyond all nightmares I met my fate

Relevant Tags:
DDemons GGate emons ate eDmons aGte xemons hate xDemons hGate Dxemons Ghate eemons yate eDemons yGate Deemons Gyate femons bate
fDemons bGate Dfemons Gbate remons vate rDemons vGate Dremons Gvate cemons fate cDemons fGate Dcemons Gfate semons tate sDemons tGate
Dsemons Gtate Gaate Dmons Gte Dmeons Gtae Dsmons Gzte Gzate Desmons Gazte D3mons Gqte D3emons Gqate De3mons Gaqte
Dfmons Gste Gsate Defmons Gaste Drmons Gwte Gwate Dermons Gawte D4mons Gxte D4emons Gxate De4mons Gaxte Ddmons Gatte
Ddemons Gae Dedmons Gaet Dwmons Gafe Dwemons Gafte Dewmons Gatfe Demmons Ga5e Deons Ga5te Deomns Gat5e Dejons Gahe Dejmons Gahte
Demjons Gathe Dekons Gaye Dekmons Gayte

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