Capital 7
Disease Of Humanity

It's one in the morning
Just me and my bro's
Boards in the back
We're ready to go

The highway is empty
There's no one else in sight
We're heading south
For one hell of a night

We're kids out to have some fun
Skate a little outside in the sun
We just like to have fun, can't you see?
We are the disease of humanity

The music we choose
The clothes that we wear
Who we hang out with
How we do our hair

You all raise a fuss
When we let out a little cuss
This all seems to bother
Everyone but us

Mirror lyrics:

Everyone but us
This all seems to bother
When we let out a little cuss
You all raise a fuss

How we do our hair
Who we hang out with
The clothes that we wear
The music we choose

We are the disease of humanity
We just like to have fun, can't you see?
Skate a little outside in the sun
We're kids out to have some fun

For one hell of a night
We're heading south
There's no one else in sight
The highway is empty

We're ready to go
Boards in the back
Just me and my bro's
It's one in the morning

Relevant Tags:
DDisease OOf HHumanity isease f umanity iDsease fO uHmanity xisease kf jumanity xDisease kOf jHumanity Dxisease Okf Hjumanity
eisease 9f uumanity eDisease 9Of uHumanity Deisease O9f Huumanity fisease 0f numanity fDisease 0Of nHumanity Dfisease O0f Hnumanity
risease lf bumanity rDisease lOf bHumanity Drisease Olf Hbumanity cisease if gumanity cDisease iOf gHumanity Dcisease Oif Hgumanity
sisease Off yumanity sDisease O yHumanity Dsisease Of Hyumanity Diisease Oc Dsease Ocf Hmanity Dsiease Ofc Hmuanity
Djsease Or Hhmanity Djisease Orf Hhumanity Dijsease Ofr Huhmanity D9sease Og H7manity D9isease Ogf H7umanity Di9sease Ofg Hu7manity
Dlsease Ot Hkmanity Dlisease Otf Hkumanity Dilsease Oft Hukmanity Dosease Ov Himanity Doisease Ovf Hiumanity Diosease Ofv Huimanity
Dksease Od H8manity Dkisease Odf H8umanity Diksease Ofd Hu8manity D8sease Hjmanity D8isease Di8sease Hujmanity
Dusease Hymanity Duisease Diusease Huymanity Dissease Hummanity Diease Huanity Diesase Huamnity
Dizease Hujanity Dizsease Diszease Humjanity Diwease Hukanity Diwsease Diswease Humkanity
Didease Hunanity Didsease Hunmanity Disdease Humnanity Dieease Humaanity Diesease Humnity Diseease Humnaity
Dixease Humznity Dixsease Humzanity Disxease Humaznity Diaease Humqnity Diasease Humqanity Disaease Humaqnity
Humsnity Disase Humsanity Disaese Humasnity Dissase Humwnity Humwanity Disesase Humawnity
Dis3ase Humxnity Dis3ease Humxanity Dise3ase Humaxnity Disfase Humannity

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