Calibretto 13
From Me To You

you tell me that you're praying for me
you tell me that I'm blind and can't see
you tell me I'm bound and need to be set free
its so hard to believe cos your just like me
you tell me I have a drug/alcohol addiction
yet you offer no way out no solution
you tell me if I dont change my ways I'll be condemned to hell
well maybe youre right but oh well
its so easy to show me what I'm doing wrong
its so easy to point out all my sins
but what about you arent you supposed to show me love
isnt that how you Christians are supposed to live
you tell I need to follow Jesus and I need to change my ways
but why would I want to be like you you always seem so ashamed
you tell I need to get saved from this fury pit
but who wants to serve the God of a hypocrite
until you start to practice what you preach
dont ever expect me to change the way I live

Mirror lyrics:

dont ever expect me to change the way I live
until you start to practice what you preach
but who wants to serve the God of a hypocrite
you tell I need to get saved from this fury pit
but why would I want to be like you you always seem so ashamed
you tell I need to follow Jesus and I need to change my ways
isnt that how you Christians are supposed to live
but what about you arent you supposed to show me love
its so easy to point out all my sins
its so easy to show me what I'm doing wrong
well maybe youre right but oh well
you tell me if I dont change my ways I'll be condemned to hell
yet you offer no way out no solution
you tell me I have a drug/alcohol addiction
its so hard to believe cos your just like me
you tell me I'm bound and need to be set free
you tell me that I'm blind and can't see
you tell me that you're praying for me

Relevant Tags:
FFrom MMe TTo YYou rom e o ou rFom eM oT oYu crom je fo gou cFrom jMe fTo gYou Fcrom Mje Tfo Ygou rrom ke 5o hou rFrom kMe 5To hYou
Frrom Mke T5o Yhou grom ne ho 6ou gFrom nMe hTo 6You Fgrom Mne Tho Y6ou trom Mee yo uou tFrom M yTo uYou Ftrom Me Tyo Yuou vrom Ms 6o 7ou
vFrom Mse 6To 7You Fvrom Mes T6o Y7ou drom M3 go jou dFrom M3e gTo jYou Fdrom Me3 Tgo Yjou Mf ro tou Fom Mfe rTo tYou Form Mef Tro Ytou
Fdom Mr Too Yoou Mre T Yu Frdom Mer To Yuo F4om M4 Tk Yku F4rom M4e Tko Ykou Fr4om Me4 Tok Yoku Fgom Md T9 Y9u Mde T9o Y9ou
Frgom Med To9 Yo9u Ftom Mw T0 Y0u Mwe T0o Y0ou

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