Letter To Bowie Knife

Everyday on my way home
The clouds would break and the angels
Would sing their refrain

This world's an ungodly place
Strangled by vines unchaste
So with my shining blade of steel
I would cut a path wide

Dipped in the ink of the fight
Written clean through the night
Mark my words upon the front page
To set my world straight

It's too late, it's too late
It's too late, it's too late
Just like i found it, my world is split
Right down the spine

Years bled dry now ripe for a reckoning
My blade's back slash beckoning
Slice my wounds and i make the sign one more time

Come on. Come on. Come home. Come home
Yeah it's too late, it's too late
It's too late, to refrain...refrain...refrain...

Did those angels ever sing?
Sliced my world in two

Mirror lyrics:

Sliced my world in two
Did those angels ever sing?

It's too late, to refrain...refrain...refrain...
Yeah it's too late, it's too late
Come on. Come on. Come home. Come home

Slice my wounds and i make the sign one more time
My blade's back slash beckoning
Years bled dry now ripe for a reckoning

Right down the spine
Just like i found it, my world is split
It's too late, it's too late
It's too late, it's too late

To set my world straight
Mark my words upon the front page
Written clean through the night
Dipped in the ink of the fight

I would cut a path wide
So with my shining blade of steel
Strangled by vines unchaste
This world's an ungodly place

Would sing their refrain
The clouds would break and the angels
Everyday on my way home

Relevant Tags:
LLetter TTo BBowie KKnife etter o owie nife eLtter oT oBwie nKife ketter fo vowie lnife kLetter fTo vBowie lKnife Lketter Tfo Bvowie Klnife
oetter 5o gowie onife oLetter 5To gBowie oKnife Loetter T5o Bgowie Konife petter ho nowie mnife pLetter hTo nBowie mKnife Lpetter Tho Bnowie Kmnife
Leetter yo howie jnife Ltter yTo hBowie jKnife Lteter Tyo Bhowie Kjnife Lstter 6o Boowie inife Lsetter 6To Bwie iKnife Lestter T6o Bwoie Kinife
L3tter go Bkwie Knnife L3etter gTo Bkowie Kife Le3tter Tgo Bokwie Kinfe Lftter ro B9wie Kmife Lfetter rTo B9owie Leftter Tro Bo9wie Knmife
Lrtter Too B0wie Khife Lretter T B0owie Khnife Lertter To Bo0wie Knhife L4tter Tk Blwie Kjife L4etter Tko Blowie Le4tter Tok Bolwie Knjife
Ldtter T9 Biwie Kbife Ldetter T9o Biowie Kbnife Ledtter To9 Boiwie Knbife Lwtter T0 Bowwie Kniife Lwetter T0o Boie Knfe Lewtter To0 Boiwe Knfie
Lettter Tl Boaie Knjfe Leter Tlo Boawie Letter Tol Bowaie Knijfe Lefter Ti Bo3ie Kn9fe Tio Bo3wie Kn9ife Letfter Toi Bow3ie Kni9fe
Le5ter Bodie Knlfe Le5tter Bodwie Knlife Let5ter Bowdie Knilfe Lehter Boeie Knofe Lehtter Boewie Knoife Lethter Boweie Kniofe
Leyter Bosie Knkfe Leytter Boswie Knkife Letyter Bowsie Knikfe Le6ter Bo2ie Kn8fe Le6tter Bo2wie Kn8ife Let6ter Bow2ie Kni8fe
Legter Boqie Knufe Legtter Boqwie Knuife Letgter Bowqie Kniufe

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