Caleb Kane
In Your Own Way

Tear out your hair if you can't bare anymore
It's the same as yesterday it stays around
Locks the door
See, now here is the fear
That you live with every year
And you wonder if you'll make it out alive

A change'll do
A change of scenery'll free you
But there's never one way to roll
So find a way to take a picture of a moment
That you know you can't control

And take a minute to reflect in your own way
Take your time and connect in your own way
I know it's good to be alone some days
But you got a long face in your own way, baby
I know you got a big heart in your own way
Independent and smart in your own way
And even though you get along somehow
You're missing out now in your own way, baby

Straight from the gate
You were told not to relate
Or reveal the feelings that could only more complicate
You turned to stone just to feel
Somehow permanent & real
And you hate all those who'd ever dare remind
A lotta little things are coming into focus
And you hope you don't see ‘em all
A matter of a certain better situation
Lean your weight against the wall

Am I the same as you to a degree?
You stay to wave me through, you make me free
Are we the last ones, then, to see that place,
and when I fall down on my face am I home?


Mirror lyrics:


and when I fall down on my face am I home?
Are we the last ones, then, to see that place,
You stay to wave me through, you make me free
Am I the same as you to a degree?

Lean your weight against the wall
A matter of a certain better situation
And you hope you don't see ‘em all
A lotta little things are coming into focus
And you hate all those who'd ever dare remind
Somehow permanent & real
You turned to stone just to feel
Or reveal the feelings that could only more complicate
You were told not to relate
Straight from the gate

You're missing out now in your own way, baby
And even though you get along somehow
Independent and smart in your own way
I know you got a big heart in your own way
But you got a long face in your own way, baby
I know it's good to be alone some days
Take your time and connect in your own way
And take a minute to reflect in your own way

That you know you can't control
So find a way to take a picture of a moment
But there's never one way to roll
A change of scenery'll free you
A change'll do

And you wonder if you'll make it out alive
That you live with every year
See, now here is the fear
Locks the door
It's the same as yesterday it stays around
Tear out your hair if you can't bare anymore

Relevant Tags:
IIn YYour OOwn WWay n our wn ay nI oYur wOn aWy jn gour kwn aay jIn gYour kOwn aWay Ijn Ygour Okwn Waay 9n hour 9wn 3ay
9In hYour 9Own 3Way I9n Yhour O9wn W3ay ln 6our 0wn day lIn 6Your 0Own dWay Iln Y6our O0wn Wday on uour lwn eay oIn uYour lOwn eWay
Ion Yuour Olwn Weay kn 7our iwn say kIn 7Your iOwn sWay Ikn Y7our Oiwn Wsay 8n jour Owwn 2ay 8In jYour On 2Way I8n Yjour Onw W2ay
un tour Oan qay uIn tYour Oawn qWay Iun Ytour Owan Wqay Inn Yoour O3n I Yur O3wn Wy In Yuor Ow3n Wya Im Ykur Odn Wzy
Imn Ykour Odwn Wzay Inm Yokur Owdn Wazy Ih Y9ur Oen Wqy Ihn Y9our Oewn Inh Yo9ur Owen Waqy Ij Y0ur Osn Wsy Y0our Oswn
Inj Yo0ur Owsn Wasy Ib Ylur O2n Wwy Ibn Ylour O2wn Wway Inb Yolur Ow2n Wawy Yiur Oqn Wxy Yiour Oqwn Wxay Yoiur Owqn Waxy
Youur Ownn Wayy Yor Ow Wa

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