Carl Thomas
All My Love (interlude)

All my love (all my)
Yeah, all my money (all my)
All my time (my time)
All our life (everyday til I'm old and grey)
All my heart (all my,all my)
All my mind, all the time (all the time,yeah).
All our lives (all of our lives).
All my love (all my)
All my money (cause I need you to share it with you).
All my time (all my time is spent with you).
All our lives (all of my life, all of our lives)
You baby.
All my heart.
Oh all my mind (said you go to my head, you stay on my mind).
All the time (all the time, all the time).
All our lives, everyday.

Mirror lyrics:

All our lives, everyday.
All the time (all the time, all the time).
Oh all my mind (said you go to my head, you stay on my mind).
All my heart.
You baby.
All our lives (all of my life, all of our lives)
All my time (all my time is spent with you).
All my money (cause I need you to share it with you).
All my love (all my)
All our lives (all of our lives).
All my mind, all the time (all the time,yeah).
All my heart (all my,all my)
All our life (everyday til I'm old and grey)
All my time (my time)
Yeah, all my money (all my)
All my love (all my)

Relevant Tags:
AAll MMy LLove ((interlude) ll y ove interlude) lAl yM oLve i(nterlude) zll jy kove (iinterlude) zAll jMy kLove (nterlude) Azll Mjy Lkove (niterlude)
qll ky oove (jnterlude) qAll kMy oLove (jinterlude) Aqll Mky Loove (ijnterlude) sll ny pove (9nterlude) sAll nMy pLove (9interlude) Asll Mny Lpove (i9nterlude)
wll Myy (lnterlude) wAll M Lve (linterlude) Awll My Lvoe (ilnterlude) xll Mg Lkve (onterlude) xAll Mgy (ointerlude) Axll Myg Lokve (ionterlude)
Alll Mh L9ve (knterlude) Al Mhy L9ove (kinterlude) All Myh Lo9ve (iknterlude) Akl M6 L0ve (8nterlude) Akll M6y L0ove (8interlude) Alkl My6 Lo0ve (i8nterlude)
Aol Mu Llve (unterlude) Aoll Muy Llove (uinterlude) Alol Myu Lolve (iunterlude) Apl M7 Live (innterlude) Apll M7y Liove (iterlude) Alpl My7 Loive (itnerlude)
Mj Lovve (imterlude) Loe (imnterlude) Myj Loev (inmterlude) Alk Mt Lobe (ihterlude) Mty Lobve (ihnterlude) Allk Myt Lovbe (inhterlude)
Alo Loce (ijterlude) Locve Allo Lovce (injterlude) Alp Loge (ibterlude) Logve (ibnterlude) Allp Lovge (inbterlude)
Lofe (intterlude) Lofve (inerlude) Lovfe (inetrlude) Lovee (inferlude) Lov (infterlude) Love (intferlude)
Lovs (in5erlude) Lovse (in5terlude) Loves (int5erlude) Lov3 (inherlude) Lov3e Love3 (intherlude)
Lovf (inyerlude) (inyterlude) Lovef (intyerlude) Lovr (in6erlude) Lovre (in6terlude) Lover (int6erlude)
Lov4 (ingerlude) Lov4e (ingterlude) Love4 (intgerlude) Lovd (inrerlude) Lovde (inrterlude) Loved (intrerlude)
Lovw (inteerlude) Lovwe (intrlude) Lovew (intrelude) (intsrlude) (intserlude) (intesrlude)
(int3rlude) (int3erlude) (inte3rlude) (intfrlude) (intefrlude) (intrrlude)
(interrlude) (int4rlude) (int4erlude) (inte4rlude) (intdrlude) (intderlude)
(intedrlude) (intwrlude) (intwerlude) (intewrlude) (intelude)

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