Here In Your Bedroom

Here in your bedroom,
I can turn my head on
The less that I feel
Is the less that I'm on top

I wonder what you think
As we lay here in bed
I don't know what I'm thinking,
But that's better for my head

When I wake up tomorrow
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow
Will you have changed?


'Cuz I still feel the same
'Cuz I still feel the same
I, 'cuz I still feel the same

Here in your bedroom
I can turn my head off
The less that I feel
Is the less that I'm on top

I wonder what you think
As we lay here in bed
I don't know what I'm thinking,
But that's better for my head

When I wake up tomorrow
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow
Will you have changed?


Here we go!

Here in your bedroom,
I feel safe from the outside.
I can tell that you're changing,
But still I feel so high.

I wonder what you think.
Sometimes I feel so old.
I don't know if it's worth it
When I just do what I'm told.

When I wake up tomorrow,
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow,
Will you have changed?


I, I still feel the same
I, I still feel the same
Won't you?

Mirror lyrics:

Won't you?
I, I still feel the same
I, I still feel the same


Will you have changed?
When I wake up tomorrow,
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow,

When I just do what I'm told.
I don't know if it's worth it
Sometimes I feel so old.
I wonder what you think.

But still I feel so high.
I can tell that you're changing,
I feel safe from the outside.
Here in your bedroom,

Here we go!


Will you have changed?
When I wake up tomorrow
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow

But that's better for my head
I don't know what I'm thinking,
As we lay here in bed
I wonder what you think

Is the less that I'm on top
The less that I feel
I can turn my head off
Here in your bedroom

I, 'cuz I still feel the same
'Cuz I still feel the same
'Cuz I still feel the same


Will you have changed?
When I wake up tomorrow
Will you still feel the same?
When I wake up tomorrow

But that's better for my head
I don't know what I'm thinking,
As we lay here in bed
I wonder what you think

Is the less that I'm on top
The less that I feel
I can turn my head on
Here in your bedroom,

Relevant Tags:
HHere IIn YYour BBedroom ere n our edroom eHre nI oYur eBdroom jere jn gour vedroom jHere jIn gYour vBedroom Hjere Ijn Ygour Bvedroom
uere 9n hour gedroom uHere 9In hYour gBedroom Huere I9n Yhour Bgedroom nere ln 6our nedroom nHere lIn 6Your nBedroom Hnere Iln Y6our Bnedroom
bere on uour hedroom bHere oIn uYour hBedroom Hbere Ion Yuour Bhedroom gere kn 7our Beedroom gHere kIn 7Your Bdroom Hgere Ikn Y7our Bderoom
yere 8n jour Bsdroom yHere 8In jYour Bsedroom Hyere I8n Yjour Besdroom Heere un tour B3droom Hre uIn tYour B3edroom Hree Iun Ytour Be3droom
Hsre Inn Yoour Bfdroom Hsere I Yur Bfedroom Hesre In Yuor Befdroom H3re Im Ykur Brdroom H3ere Imn Ykour Bredroom He3re Inm Yokur Berdroom
Hfre Ih Y9ur B4droom Hfere Ihn Y9our B4edroom Hefre Inh Yo9ur Be4droom Hrre Ij Y0ur Bddroom Hrere Y0our Bdedroom Herre Inj Yo0ur Beddroom
H4re Ib Ylur Bwdroom H4ere Ibn Ylour Bwedroom He4re Inb Yolur Bewdroom Hdre Yiur Hdere Yiour Beroom Hedre Yoiur Berdoom
Hwre Youur Bexroom Hwere Yor Bexdroom Hewre Yoru Bedxroom Yohr Beeroom Hee Yohur Heer Youhr Bederoom
Hede Yo7r Befroom Yo7ur Herde You7r Bedfroom He4e Yokr Berroom Her4e Youkr Bedrroom Hege Yoir Becroom
Hegre Becdroom Herge Youir Bedcroom

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