Cadaveres De Tortugas
2 Die 4

I hate that scary face
In the mirror
Mutilated by your
Daily terror
It keeps an eye
All the time on me
It's against the one
I want to be

Have I ever done something
To deserve this pain inside?
How could I leave
This damn feeling behind?
I can't live in uncertainty
My place I need to find
Will I ever get some rest
And peace in my life?

What do I live for?
I always want more
What would I die for?
Someday you will know

Now prepare yourself
To a journey in me
Take a deep breathe
And sink into this sea
What causes this silence
Oh damn it is so real
I have many things to share
But life's too short to feel

Float with my broading thoughts
But never lose yourself
It can be your last mistake
Keep in mind the way back
Don't avert your eyes
Your self-conscience, it's me
You can't quell me
I always will be here

Mirror lyrics:

I always will be here
You can't quell me
Your self-conscience, it's me
Don't avert your eyes
Keep in mind the way back
It can be your last mistake
But never lose yourself
Float with my broading thoughts

But life's too short to feel
I have many things to share
Oh damn it is so real
What causes this silence
And sink into this sea
Take a deep breathe
To a journey in me
Now prepare yourself

Someday you will know
What would I die for?
I always want more
What do I live for?

And peace in my life?
Will I ever get some rest
My place I need to find
I can't live in uncertainty
This damn feeling behind?
How could I leave
To deserve this pain inside?
Have I ever done something

I want to be
It's against the one
All the time on me
It keeps an eye
Daily terror
Mutilated by your
In the mirror
I hate that scary face

Relevant Tags:
22 DDie 44 ie 2 iDe 4 3 xie 5 32 xDie 54 23 Dxie 45 q eie e q2 eDie e4 2q Deie 4e w fie r w2 fDie r4
2w Dfie 4r 1 rie 3 12 rDie 34 21 Drie 43 cie cDie Dcie sie sDie Dsie Diie
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Doe Doie

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