Cab Calloway
You're The Cure For What Ails Me

I was once a delicate child,
Watched the other kids run wild,
While they played with guns and ropes,
My only toys were stethoscopes;
I was a chronic, "Now how've you been?"
Then like a tonic, you blew in;
You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!

Down with an apple every day,
Down with the ultraviolet ray,
You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!

You can go starve a fever,
You can feed a cold,
But I don't fear fever and I can't get cold,
You're my pick-up kabish,
You're my Arrowhead Springs,
You're my Battle Creek, Mich!

I was a weakie, meekie lamb,
Now I can shoulder Boulder Dam,
Your smile never fails me, hi-ho, lady, knock on wood,
You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!

Mirror lyrics:

You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!
Your smile never fails me, hi-ho, lady, knock on wood,
Now I can shoulder Boulder Dam,
I was a weakie, meekie lamb,

You're my Battle Creek, Mich!
You're my Arrowhead Springs,
You're my pick-up kabish,
But I don't fear fever and I can't get cold,
You can feed a cold,
You can go starve a fever,

You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!
Down with the ultraviolet ray,
Down with an apple every day,

You're the cure for what ails me, and you do me good!
Then like a tonic, you blew in;
I was a chronic, "Now how've you been?"
My only toys were stethoscopes;
While they played with guns and ropes,
Watched the other kids run wild,
I was once a delicate child,

Relevant Tags:
YYou're TThe CCure FFor WWhat AAils MMe ou're he ure or hat ils e oYu're hTe uCre oFr hWat iAls eM gou're fhe fure cor ahat zils je gYou're fThe fCure cFor aWhat zAils jMe
Ygou're Tfhe Cfure Fcor Wahat Azils Mje hou're 5he xure ror 3hat qils ke hYou're 5The xCure rFor 3What qAils kMe Yhou're T5he Cxure Fror W3hat Aqils Mke 6ou're hhe vure gor dhat sils ne
6You're hThe vCure gFor dWhat sAils nMe Y6ou're Thhe Cvure Fgor Wdhat Asils Mne uou're yhe dure tor ehat wils Mee uYou're yThe dCure tFor eWhat wAils M Yuou're Tyhe Cdure Ftor Wehat Awils Me
7ou're 6he Cuure vor shat xils Ms 7You're 6The Cre vFor sWhat xAils Mse Y7ou're T6he Crue Fvor Wshat Axils Mes jou're ghe Chre dor 2hat Aiils M3 jYou're gThe Chure dFor 2What Als M3e
Yjou're Tghe Cuhre Fdor W2hat Alis Me3 tou're rhe C7re Foor qhat Ajls Mf tYou're rThe C7ure Fr qWhat Ajils Mfe Ytou're Trhe Cu7re Fro Wqhat Aijls Mef Yoou're Ckre Fkr Whhat A9ls Mr
Yu're Te Ckure Fkor Wat A9ils Mre Yuo're Teh Cukre Fokr Waht Ai9ls Mer Yku're Tje Cire F9r Wjat Alls M4 Ykou're Tjhe Ciure F9or Wjhat Alils M4e Yoku're Thje Cuire Fo9r Whjat Aills Me4
Y9u're Tue C8re F0r Wuat Aols Md Y9ou're Tuhe C8ure F0or Wuhat Aoils Mde Yo9u're Thue Cu8re Fo0r Whuat Aiols Med Y0u're Tne Cjre Flr Wnat Akls Mw Y0ou're Tnhe Cjure Flor Wnhat Akils Mwe
Yo0u're Thne Cujre Folr Whnat Aikls Mew Ylu're Tbe Cyre Fir Wbat A8ls Ylou're Tbhe Cyure Fior Wbhat A8ils Yolu're Thbe Cuyre Foir Whbat Ai8ls Yiu're Tge Curre Forr Wgat Auls
Yiou're Cue Fo Wghat Auils Yoiu're Thge Cuer For Whgat Aiuls Youu're Tye Cude Fod Wyat Yo're Cudre Fodr Wyhat Ais Yo'ure Thye Curde Ford Whyat Aisl
Yoh're Thee Cu4e Fo4 Whaat Aiks Yohu're Th Cu4re Fo4r Wht Youh're The Cur4e For4 Whta Ailks Yo7're Ths Cuge Fog Whzt Aios Yo7u're Thse Cugre Fogr Whzat
You7're Thes Curge Forg Whazt Ailos Yok're Th3 Cute Fot Whqt Aips Th3e Cutre Fotr Whqat Aipls Youk're The3 Curte Fort Whaqt Ailps Yoi're Thf Cu5e Fo5 Whst Ailss

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