Cab Calloway
When You're Smiling

When you're smiling, keep on smiling,
The whole wide world will smile with you;
And when you're laughing (ha, ha, ha, ha!), keep on laughing (ha, ha),
You'll find the sun will come shining through!

But when you're crying (boo-hoo), you bring on the rain;
Stop your sighing and be happy again.
When you're smiling, keep on smiling,
The whole wide world will smile with you!

Mirror lyrics:

The whole wide world will smile with you!
When you're smiling, keep on smiling,
Stop your sighing and be happy again.
But when you're crying (boo-hoo), you bring on the rain;

You'll find the sun will come shining through!
And when you're laughing (ha, ha, ha, ha!), keep on laughing (ha, ha),
The whole wide world will smile with you;
When you're smiling, keep on smiling,

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're SSmiling hen ou're miling hWen oYu're mSiling ahen gou're zmiling aWhen gYou're zSmiling Wahen Ygou're Szmiling
3hen hou're wmiling 3When hYou're wSmiling W3hen Yhou're Swmiling dhen 6ou're dmiling dWhen 6You're dSmiling Wdhen Y6ou're Sdmiling
ehen uou're emiling eWhen uYou're eSmiling Wehen Yuou're Semiling shen 7ou're xmiling sWhen 7You're xSmiling Wshen Y7ou're Sxmiling
2hen jou're amiling 2When jYou're aSmiling W2hen Yjou're Samiling qhen tou're Smmiling qWhen tYou're Siling Wqhen Ytou're Simling
Whhen Yoou're Sjiling Wen Yu're Sjmiling Wehn Yuo're Smjiling Wjen Yku're Skiling Wjhen Ykou're Skmiling Whjen Yoku're Smkiling
Wuen Y9u're Sniling Wuhen Y9ou're Snmiling Whuen Yo9u're Smniling Wnen Y0u're Smiiling Wnhen Y0ou're Smling Whnen Yo0u're Smliing
Wben Ylu're Smjling Wbhen Ylou're Whben Yolu're Smijling Wgen Yiu're Sm9ling Wghen Yiou're Sm9iling Whgen Yoiu're Smi9ling
Wyen Youu're Smlling Wyhen Yo're Smliling Whyen Yo'ure Smilling Wheen Yoh're Smoling Whn Yohu're Smoiling Whne Youh're Smioling
Whsn Yo7're Smkling Whsen Yo7u're Whesn You7're Smikling Wh3n Yok're Sm8ling Wh3en Sm8iling Whe3n Youk're Smi8ling
Whfn Yoi're Smuling Whfen Smuiling Whefn Youi're Smiuling Whrn Yo8're Whren Yo8u're Smiing

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