C 21
When I Look In Your Eyes

For the first time I see it in your eyes
For the first time it hurts deep inside
I wish that I could turn back time
But there´s no going back – no way to deny

Ooohh suddenly
It feels like loosing it all
I´m trying so hard to be strong

When I look in your eyes
I don't know how to tell you
With every beat of my heart I try
To find a way to survive
Find a way to let go now
Tell me how to live my life alone

It´s so hard to tell the truth from the lies
So would you hold my hand for one last goodbye
I don't know if I can let go
Who will catch me if I stumble and fall

When I look in your eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

When I look in your eyes.

Who will catch me if I stumble and fall
I don't know if I can let go
So would you hold my hand for one last goodbye
It´s so hard to tell the truth from the lies

Tell me how to live my life alone
Find a way to let go now
To find a way to survive
With every beat of my heart I try
I don't know how to tell you
When I look in your eyes

I´m trying so hard to be strong
It feels like loosing it all
Ooohh suddenly

But there´s no going back – no way to deny
I wish that I could turn back time
For the first time it hurts deep inside
For the first time I see it in your eyes

Relevant Tags:
WWhen II LLook IIn YYour EEyes hen ook n our yes hWen I oLok nI oYur yEes ahen j kook jn gour syes aWhen jI kLook jIn gYour sEyes Wahen Ij Lkook Ijn Ygour Esyes
3hen 9 oook 9n hour 3yes 3When 9I oLook 9In hYour 3Eyes W3hen I9 Loook I9n Yhour E3yes dhen l pook ln 6our fyes dWhen lI pLook lIn 6Your fEyes Wdhen Il Lpook Iln Y6our Efyes
ehen o on uour ryes eWhen oI Lok oIn uYour rEyes Wehen Io Look Ion Yuour Eryes shen k Lkok kn 7our 4yes sWhen kI kIn 7Your 4Eyes Wshen Ik Lokok Ikn Y7our E4yes
2hen 8 L9ok 8n jour dyes 2When 8I L9ook 8In jYour dEyes W2hen I8 Lo9ok I8n Yjour Edyes qhen u L0ok un tour wyes qWhen uI L0ook uIn tYour wEyes Wqhen Iu Lo0ok Iun Ytour Ewyes
Whhen Llok Inn Yoour Eyyes Wen Llook I Yur Ees Wehn Lolok In Yuor Eeys Wjen Liok Im Ykur Eges Wjhen Liook Imn Ykour Egyes Whjen Loiok Inm Yokur Eyges
Wuen Ih Y9ur Ehes Wuhen Ihn Y9our Ehyes Whuen Loko Inh Yo9ur Eyhes Wnen Lokk Ij Y0ur E6es Wnhen Y0our E6yes Whnen Lookk Inj Yo0ur Ey6es
Wben Lo9k Ib Ylur Eues Wbhen Ibn Ylour Euyes Whben Loo9k Inb Yolur Eyues Wgen Lo0k Yiur E7es Wghen Yiour E7yes Whgen Loo0k Yoiur Ey7es
Wyen Lolk Youur Ejes Wyhen Yor Ejyes Whyen Loolk Yoru Eyjes

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