C. C. Catch
I Can Lose My Heart Tonight

Take, your chance for paradise
I'm looking in your eyes
Be mine, be mine tonight
Yeah, I'm feeling like a fool
'Cause you still answer me :
Spend the night with me

I can lose my heart tonight
If you love me, feel allright
This is just the night for me and you
I can lose my heart tonight
By you lonely deep inside
There's something in the air tonight

I can feel it every where
There's magic in the air
Be mine, be mine tonight
Yeah, I feel so hypnoticed
I feel like paradise
I see heaven in your eyes
Take me in your arms
Hold me close tonight
Take my heart away
Take me to the night


Mirror lyrics:


Take me to the night
Take my heart away
Hold me close tonight
Take me in your arms
I see heaven in your eyes
I feel like paradise
Yeah, I feel so hypnoticed
Be mine, be mine tonight
There's magic in the air
I can feel it every where

There's something in the air tonight
By you lonely deep inside
I can lose my heart tonight
This is just the night for me and you
If you love me, feel allright
I can lose my heart tonight

Spend the night with me
'Cause you still answer me :
Yeah, I'm feeling like a fool
Be mine, be mine tonight
I'm looking in your eyes
Take, your chance for paradise

Relevant Tags:
II CCan LLose MMy HHeart TTonight an ose y eart onight I aCn oLse yM eHart oTnight j fan kose jy jeart fonight jI fCan kLose jMy jHeart fTonight
Ij Cfan Lkose Mjy Hjeart Tfonight 9 xan oose ky ueart 5onight 9I xCan oLose kMy uHeart 5Tonight I9 Cxan Loose Mky Hueart T5onight l van pose ny neart honight
lI vCan pLose nMy nHeart hTonight Il Cvan Lpose Mny Hneart Thonight o dan Myy beart yonight oI dCan Lse M bHeart yTonight Io Cdan Lsoe My Hbeart Tyonight
k Caan Lkse Mg geart 6onight kI Cn Mgy gHeart 6Tonight Ik Cna Lokse Myg Hgeart T6onight 8 Czn L9se Mh yeart gonight 8I Czan L9ose Mhy yHeart gTonight
I8 Cazn Lo9se Myh Hyeart Tgonight u Cqn L0se M6 Heeart ronight uI Cqan L0ose M6y Hart rTonight Iu Caqn Lo0se My6 Haert Tronight Csn Llse Mu Hsart Toonight
Csan Llose Muy Hseart Tnight Casn Lolse Myu Hesart Tnoight Cwn Lise M7 H3art Tknight Cwan Liose M7y H3eart Tkonight Cawn Loise My7 He3art Toknight
Cxn Losse Mj Hfart T9night Loe Hfeart T9onight Caxn Loes Myj Hefart To9night Cann Loze Mt Hrart T0night Ca Lozse Mty Hreart T0onight
Can Losze Myt Herart To0night Cam Lowe H4art Tlnight Camn Lowse H4eart Tlonight Canm Loswe He4art Tolnight Cah Lode Hdart Tinight
Cahn Lodse Hdeart Tionight Canh Losde Hedart Toinight Caj Loee Hwart Tonnight Cajn Loese Hweart Toight Canj Losee Hewart Toinght
Cab Loxe Heaart Tomight Cabn Loxse Hert Tomnight Canb Losxe Herat Tonmight Loae Hezrt Tohight Loase Hezart Tohnight
Losae Heazrt Tonhight Heqrt Tojight Los Heqart Tojnight Lose Heaqrt Tonjight Loss Hesrt Tobight
Tobnight Loses Heasrt Tonbight Los3 Hewrt Toniight Los3e Tonght Lose3 Heawrt Tongiht
Losf Hexrt Tonjght Losfe Hexart Losef Heaxrt Tonijght Losr Hearrt Ton9ght Losre Heat Ton9ight
Loser Heatr Toni9ght Los4 Headt Tonlght Los4e Headrt Tonlight Lose4 Heardt Tonilght Losd Hea4t Tonoght

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