Brian May (soundtracks)
West Side Story Overture Tonight

(instrumental to open)

Tonight, tonight, won't be just any night,
Tonight there will be no morning star
Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight.
And for us, stars will stop where they are.

Today the minutes seem like hours,
The hours go so slowly,
And still the sky is light

Oh moon, grow bright,
And make this endless day endless night!

(instrumental to begin)

Today, the world was just an address
A place for me to live in
No better than alright

But here you are,
and what was just a world is a star

(fade to black)

Mirror lyrics:

(fade to black)

and what was just a world is a star
But here you are,

No better than alright
A place for me to live in
Today, the world was just an address

(instrumental to begin)

And make this endless day endless night!
Oh moon, grow bright,

And still the sky is light
The hours go so slowly,
Today the minutes seem like hours,

And for us, stars will stop where they are.
Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight.
Tonight there will be no morning star
Tonight, tonight, won't be just any night,

(instrumental to open)

Relevant Tags:
WWest SSide SStory OOverture TTonight est ide tory verture onight eWst iSde tSory vOerture oTnight aest zide ztory kverture fonight aWest zSide zStory kOverture fTonight
Waest Szide Sztory Okverture Tfonight 3est wide wtory 9verture 5onight 3West wSide wStory 9Overture 5Tonight W3est Swide Swtory O9verture T5onight dest dide dtory 0verture honight
dWest dSide dStory 0Overture hTonight Wdest Sdide Sdtory O0verture Thonight eest eide etory lverture yonight eWest eSide eStory lOverture yTonight Weest Seide Setory Olverture Tyonight
sest xide xtory iverture 6onight sWest xSide xStory iOverture 6Tonight Wsest Sxide Sxtory Oiverture T6onight 2est aide atory Ovverture gonight 2West aSide aStory Oerture gTonight
W2est Saide Satory Oevrture Tgonight qest Siide Sttory Oberture ronight qWest Sde Sory Obverture rTonight Wqest Sdie Sotry Ovberture Tronight Sjde Sfory Ocerture Toonight
Wst Sjide Sftory Ocverture Tnight Wset Sijde Stfory Ovcerture Tnoight Wsst S9de S5ory Ogerture Tknight S9ide S5tory Ogverture Tkonight Wesst Si9de St5ory Ovgerture Toknight
W3st Slde Shory Oferture T9night Slide Shtory Ofverture T9onight We3st Silde Sthory Ovferture To9night Wfst Sode Syory Oveerture T0night Wfest Soide Sytory Ovrture T0onight
Wefst Siode Styory Ovreture To0night Wrst Skde S6ory Ovsrture Tlnight Wrest Skide S6tory Ovserture Tlonight Werst Sikde St6ory Ovesrture Tolnight W4st S8de Sgory Ov3rture Tinight
W4est S8ide Sgtory Ov3erture Tionight We4st Si8de Stgory Ove3rture Toinight Wdst Sude Srory Ovfrture Tonnight Suide Srtory Toight Wedst Siude Strory Ovefrture Toinght
Wwst Sidde Stoory Ovrrture Tomight Wwest Sie Stry Ovrerture Tomnight Wewst Sied Stroy Overrture Tonmight Sixe Stkry Ov4rture Tohight Wet Sixde Stkory Ov4erture Tohnight
Wets Sidxe Stokry Ove4rture Tonhight Wezt Siee St9ry Ovdrture Tojight Wezst Siede St9ory Ovderture Tojnight Weszt Sidee Sto9ry Ovedrture Tonjight Wewt Sife St0ry Ovwrture Tobight
Sifde St0ory Ovwerture Tobnight Weswt Sidfe Sto0ry Ovewrture Tonbight Wedt Sire Stlry Toniight Sirde Stlory Oveture Tonght Wesdt Sidre Stolry Ovetrure Tongiht
Weet Sice Stiry Ovedture Tonjght Sicde Stiory Weset Sidce Stoiry Overdture Tonijght Wext Sise Storry Ove4ture Ton9ght Wexst Sisde Stoy Ton9ight
Wesxt Sidse Stoyr Over4ture Toni9ght Weat Stody Ovegture Tonlght Weast Sid Stodry Ovegrture Tonlight Wesat Side Stordy Overgture Tonilght Westt Sids Sto4y Ovetture Tonoght
Wes Sto4ry Ovetrture Tonoight West Sides Stor4y Overtture Tonioght Wesf Sid3 Stogy Ove5ture Tonkght Wesft Sid3e Stogry Ove5rture Tonkight Westf Side3 Storgy Over5ture Tonikght
Wes5 Sidf Stoty Ovefture Ton8ght Wes5t Stotry Ton8ight West5 Sidef Storty Overfture Toni8ght Wesh Sidr Sto5y Oveeture Tonught Wesht Sto5ry Tonuight

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