Brian May
Rollin' Over

Goodbye sunshine I'm on my way
I'll be long time gone by the break of day
Tell everyone that I'm gonna find it
Ther ain't nothin' gonna stop me-

Save all your lovin' till I get home
To the sweetest lovin' sunshine that I've ever known
Tell everyone that I'm gonna find it
There ain't nothin' gonna stop me-

Rollin' over, Shak-do-way
Rollin' over, Yeah-yeah-yeah......

Mirror lyrics:

Rollin' over, Yeah-yeah-yeah......
Rollin' over, Shak-do-way

There ain't nothin' gonna stop me-
Tell everyone that I'm gonna find it
To the sweetest lovin' sunshine that I've ever known
Save all your lovin' till I get home

Ther ain't nothin' gonna stop me-
Tell everyone that I'm gonna find it
I'll be long time gone by the break of day
Goodbye sunshine I'm on my way

Relevant Tags:
RRollin' OOver ollin' ver oRllin' vOer dollin' kver dRollin' kOver Rdollin' Okver 4ollin' 9ver 4Rollin' 9Over R4ollin' O9ver
gollin' 0ver gRollin' 0Over Rgollin' O0ver tollin' lver tRollin' lOver Rtollin' Olver 5ollin' iver 5Rollin' iOver R5ollin' Oiver
follin' Ovver fRollin' Oer Rfollin' Oevr eollin' Ober eRollin' Obver Reollin' Ovber Roollin' Ocer Rllin' Ocver Rlolin' Ovcer
Rkllin' Oger Rkollin' Ogver Rokllin' Ovger R9llin' Ofer R9ollin' Ofver Ro9llin' Ovfer R0llin' Oveer R0ollin' Ovr Ro0llin' Ovre
Rlllin' Ovsr Rlollin' Ovser Rolllin' Ovesr Rillin' Ov3r Riollin' Ov3er Roillin' Ove3r Ovfr Rolin' Rollin' Ovefr
Roklin' Ovrr Ovrer Rolklin' Overr

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