Brian May (soundtracks)
From My First Moment

From my first moment you gave me wings
Let me fly and believed in my dreams
From that first moment you cherished me so
The journey through life would be hard without you
You gave me all I have and all I know

From my first moment you would be there
In your arms lay the strength I now bear
From that first moment each day I have you
The seasons they change but your heart stays the same
You gave me all I have and all I know

From my first moment as time goes by
We drift endlessly through open skies
The journey through life would be hard without you
You gave me all I have and all I know

From my first moment
So long, moment
Bye bye, moment

Mirror lyrics:

Bye bye, moment
So long, moment
From my first moment

You gave me all I have and all I know
The journey through life would be hard without you
We drift endlessly through open skies
From my first moment as time goes by

You gave me all I have and all I know
The seasons they change but your heart stays the same
From that first moment each day I have you
In your arms lay the strength I now bear
From my first moment you would be there

You gave me all I have and all I know
The journey through life would be hard without you
From that first moment you cherished me so
Let me fly and believed in my dreams
From my first moment you gave me wings

Relevant Tags:
FFrom MMy FFirst MMoment rom y irst oment rFom yM iFrst oMment crom jy cirst joment cFrom jMy cFirst jMoment Fcrom Mjy Fcirst Mjoment
rrom ky rirst koment rFrom kMy rFirst kMoment Frrom Mky Frirst Mkoment grom ny girst noment gFrom nMy gFirst nMoment Fgrom Mny Fgirst Mnoment
trom Myy tirst Mooment tFrom M tFirst Mment Ftrom My Ftirst Mmoent vrom Mg virst Mkment vFrom Mgy vFirst Fvrom Myg Fvirst Mokment
drom Mh dirst M9ment dFrom Mhy dFirst M9oment Fdrom Myh Fdirst Mo9ment M6 Fiirst M0ment Fom M6y Frst M0oment Form My6 Frist Mo0ment
Fdom Mu Fjrst Mlment Muy Fjirst Mloment Frdom Myu Fijrst Molment F4om M7 F9rst Miment F4rom M7y F9irst Mioment Fr4om My7 Fi9rst Moiment
Fgom Mj Flrst Momment Flirst Moent Frgom Myj Filrst Moemnt Ftom Mt Forst Mojent Mty Foirst Mojment Frtom Myt Fiorst Momjent
F5om Fkrst Mokent F5rom Fkirst Fr5om Fikrst Momkent Ffom F8rst Monent Ffrom F8irst Monment Frfom Fi8rst Momnent
Feom Furst Momeent Ferom Fuirst Momnt Freom Fiurst Momnet Froom Firrst Momsnt Frm Fist Momsent Frmo Fisrt Momesnt
Frkm Fidst Mom3nt Frkom Fidrst Mom3ent Frokm Firdst Mome3nt Fr9m Fi4st Momfnt Fr9om Fi4rst Momfent Fro9m Fir4st Momefnt
Fr0m Figst Momrnt Fr0om Figrst Momrent

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